Archive for March 8th, 2015

Giant Methane Storms on Uranus

There are things happening on the gas giant we call Uranus. The odd blue planet tilted on its side is hosting giant methane storms. Phys Org tells us about it.In August 2014 a group led by Imke de Pater pointed the Keck...

Farmer Uses Hot Tub to Save Frozen Baby Bull

Dean Gangwer is a cattle farmer in Rossville, Indiana. One morning, he found that one of his cows had snuck off to give birth by herself. He found the newborn calf almost frozen to death in a pile of snow.Gangwer placed...

Superheroes Inhabit Famous Paintings

A Sunday on La Grande Jatte by thebluelemurOriginal: A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte by Georges-Pierre SeuratGreat works of art have been prized by humanity throughout history....

What Necessary Adult Skills Were You Never Taught Growing Up?

Lifehacker asked this question of its readers: What necessary adult skills were you never taught growing up? The site was properly called out for asking it as a call for article ideas, but that’s n...

Princess Leia in Classic Star Trek Cosplay

Master cosplayer Malicous Cosplay, who recently redressed Princess Leia as Streetfighter's Chun-Li, once also depicted Princess Leia as a Starfleet officer from classic Star Trek. Ensig...

They Came Down In Pairs - Minions With The Munchies

They Came Down In Pairs by DauntlessDSThey were bananas who wore pajamas, innocent victims who were caught up in a game of home invasion that would leave three of them dead and one seriously wounded. Small creatures cal...

Ten Internet Jokes That Got People Arrested

Everyone makes a stupid mistake once in a while, some more frequently (and more stupidly) than others. In today's digital culture, a tasteless joke that might once have netted the teller a few disapproving glances is now...

Love Has No Labels

[] (YouTube link)This video from the Ad Council shows what happens when we see what people do before we see how they look. Learn more about the Love Has No Labels campaign at its website or at...

A Blacksmith's Surprisingly Human Statues Consisting of Nails

In each piece, there's a full story. You could easily write a page of dialogue from each one.Tobbe Malm, a blacksmith and photographer in Oslo, Norway, calls his series Bolt Poetry. He reshapes nails and...

Micro Piglets Munch Out

[]YouTube LinkThese super sweet, six-week-old micro pigs have a snack and they're giving it their full attention, particularly the spotted one of the group. An apple a day keep...

Pattern Behavior

No SusieI don’t want to play yo-yosI’m into doorknobs nowYou’re just a city boyYour pants don’t even go in your shoesHeh city boyYou’re from the cityThe artwork on the covers of sewing patte...

Mexican Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Wrestlers

Nothing tops Mexican wrestling for glorious theatrics. This match from February shows the Tortuguillos Karatekas and Tortugas Ninjas battling at the Arena López Mateos in Tlalnepantla, Mexico. All of them are dres...

I Can't Enter That (No Sandman)

Need a nice soothing song to help you go to sleep early now that you’ve set your clocks ahead an hour for Daylight Saving Time? How about a nice mashup of “I Can’t Go For That” by Hall and Oates a...

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