(Girafarig by Mokuyo Cosplay/via AkiJet)
When you hear the words "sexy" and "Pokemon' used together it’s easy to assume that the costumes in question are of Ash's pal Misty or Jessie from Team Rocket, but those have been done to death. In this case we’re talkin’ about full blown sexy versions of pocket monsters, and boy will they ever make you wanna catch 'em all!
Dorkly put together a list of 35 Attempts At Sexy Pokemon Cosplay…That Totally Succeeded, proving that strange can be good when it comes to sexy cosplay.
(Lugia by Rising Moon Cosplay/via Sweet Sensation Photography)
If you’d rather not think of Raichu, Espeon or Dugtrio as sexy then by all means pass this one by, but if you’re intrigued by the idea of sexy Pokemon then take your eyeballs for a walk on the wild side!
See 35 Attempts At Sexy Pokemon Cosplay...That Totally Succeeded here