In the beloved Dr. Seuss tale Horton Hatches the Egg, a mother bird sitting on her nest is fickle and flighty. The bird, Maysie, says to Horton the elephant,
"I'm tired and I'm bored and I've kinks in my leg from sitting, just sitting here day after day. It's work, how I hate it. I'd much rather play. If I could find someone, I'd fly away free. You've nothing to do, and I do need a rest. Would you like to sit on the egg in my nest?"
Poor, sweet Horton takes over Maysie's job and learns the sacrifice hatching an egg entails and the hard times he must endure to stay "faithful 100 percent."
Apparently, Maysie wasn't a bald eagle. The female bald eagle shown here is remaining faithful to her nest and the two eggs inside, even in the face of heavy snowfall that buries her up to her neck. These photos from the Pennsylvania Game Commission via the Hanover Eagle Watch Facebook page are a testament to a mother's protective instincts. A representative of the Commission says that the eggs will be fine, and these snowy conditions are common for eagles that nest as far north as Maine, Alaska and Canada.
Don't miss the Hanover Eagle Watch Facebook page for a series of incredible photos of and updates on this regal mother bird. A Game Commission webcam streams live footage of the nest as well.
Images: PA Game Commission | Via Twitchy
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