Archive for March 4th, 2015

Give Her An Egg!

[] (YouTube link)When I was 16 months old, I got the jelly jar out of the refrigerator and sat on the floor and ate it with my hands. That’s the extent of my food preparation experience a...

Scrooge McLannister - A Tale Of Ducks And Thrones

Scrooge McLannister by FnC WorksThere is a winter storm a-brewin' in Duckberg, and Scrooge knows he'll soon have to defend his empire with his life. The beagle boys are taking their orders from Magica now, and they've s...

Swimming in a Fish Tank

Redditor LutzTrain explains, "My brother really wanted to swim with his turtle." Here they are high-fiving underwater, as Nature intended. They're best buds.Some redditors doubt that the photo is re...

Cheesy Stock Photos, Starring Vince Vaughn

To promote his new movie Unfinished Business, Vince Vaughn and other members of the cast including Dave Franco and Tom Wilkinson are lending their likenesses to a set of typically goofy stock photos. The images,...

Skaters Build a Train Car Half-Pipe

[](Video Link)This ingenious vehicle is a railroad car with a little cabin inside. You can even see its resident inside strumming on a ukulele. More importantly, it's a portable skateboarding h...

6 Ways to Impress the Idiots You Went to High School With

When you leave home after high school, seeing the world changes you. Then you go back home to visit your parents and you encounter your old friends -the ones who never left. Or possibly you’re there for a reunion w...

Rock Band Meets Young Fan with Down Syndrome, Responds Perfectly to Him

(Photo: The Kane Show)10-year old Christopher Warner of West Friendship, Maryland loves the rock band Maroon 5. He absolutely adores their work, especially that of frontman Adam Levine. His teacher, Avery Stanert, made a...

The Shortest Movies in the World

If you’re a movie character and you want for your film to end quickly, just make good decisions.Doghouse Diaries comments, “I’d pay to see 100 of these packed into a single movie.&rdquo...

We SUCK in Colder Weather

[] (YouTube link)The Holderness Family (previously at Neatorama) took the opportunity of a few snow days in North Carolina to make a parody of the song “Colder Weather” by the Zac B...

That's My Kind of Princess!

Now isn't she a pretty, pretty princess? I've seen tons of Barbie cakes, but never a kaiju princess like this one. And who wouldn't prefer a Japanese superbabe like this one? We'd better hope she gets a nice present or e...

30 Weird Apps

[] (YouTube link)There are millions of apps available for your digital umbilical cord, er, I mean phone. Some of them push the envelope into the ozone, but people use them anyway. Or do they? m...

The Fifty Healthiest Foods, With a Recipe for Each

Time magazine curated a list of the 50 healthiest foods known to nutrition science and asked registered dietician, nutritionist and cookbook author Tina Ruggiero to give facts about the nutritio...

Badass Raccoon - If Looks Could Kill

Badass Raccoon by MankeeboiRocket went from being a misunderstood experiment to the most badass raccoon in the galaxy, and now the Corps can't imagine the Guardians running smoothly without him. He likes hangin' out wit...

One Last Museum Visit

This photograph was Tweeted by St.Ambulance Wens (Ambulance Wish Foundation), an organization that fulfills the last wishes of bedridden terminal patients. The lady on the gurney wanted to visit the Rijksmuseum in Amster...

Video Gives Viewers a Good Look at a Goblin Shark Found in Australia

YouTube LinkThe goblin shark in the YouTube still shot above was found in Australia in January and was donated to the Australian Museum of Sydney. In the video (which can be accessed by clicking on the Y...

Get All Geared Up For St. Patrick's Day With These T-Shirts & Accessories

St. Paddy's, Saint Patrick's Day, that day when people drink green beer and pretend to be Irish- whatever you call it, and however you celebrate it, one thing's for certain- you don't want to leave the house without the...

Hulk, Possibly the Largest Pit Bull Alive, is a Big Softie

This is Hulk, a 173-pound pitbull. His owner Marlon Grannon breeds and trains protection and police dogs at Dark Dynasty K9 in New Hampshire, but he has made Hulk his family pet. While he's not an offici...

Romance Novel Covers Remade with Real People

The passion . . . the lust . . . the cellulite. These romance novel covers are a bit more realistic. Charles Manning, Lauren Ahn, and Kathleen Kamphausen recreated for Cosmpolitan the cover images for 10...

Lioness Opens Car Door at Drive-Through Safari Park

[]YouTube LinkYouTube user Joshua Sutherland said his sisters Kaylene and Cindy were visiting their parents who are missionaries in South Africa when a lioness at a drive-throu...

9 Cool Pieces of Multi-Purpose Furniture

Why settle for a piece of furniture that only serves one purpose when you can have a piece that does more functions? That's why over at Homes and Hues, we rounded up nine handy pieces of furniture that can each be used f...

Comment Cards for Life

You know those little comment cards that businesses would like you to fill out for feedback? Wouldn’t it be nice if we had those for every situation of life? You’ll find comment cards for all kinds of everyda...

Adventure Time Jewelry Wraps Around Your Neck

Etsy seller lyl393 makes clever use of the elongated characters on Adventure Time by showing them stretched as necklaces. The shapeshifting Jake is, of course, the most obvious choice. But the f...

Panda Asks for a Hug from Human Before Coming Down from Tree

[]YouTube LinkIn footage from CCTV News China, a breeder at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Sichuan, China attempts to take a panda bear out of her tree, b...

Envy - Imagination Takes Flight

Envy by FishbiscuitBeing a big bird who can't fly tends to get you down, and when you spend your days watching your avian kin soar through the sky completely untethered it kinda makes you want to sing a sad song. But Bi...

Men Pee on Beehive, Bees React

A bus in Quang Ngai province, Vietnam, pulled over on the side of the road to allow the men to relieve themselves. There was a beehive nearby, and one man thought it would be funny to urinate on the beehive. He convinced...

Man Creates Shapchat Résumé to Apply for a Job at Snapchat

[] (Video Link)Elski Felson wants to work for Snapchat, the company that makes the image instant messaging phone app of the same name. He faces a challenge familiar to most job...

Enchanted Forest

Ellie Davies is a UK-based multimedia artist who has been shooting forest landscapes for seven years now. With effects layered onto the images in post processing, the results are full of wonder, evoking thoughts of nymph...

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