Bag Wag Sing!

I laughed so hard that my wife asked me if something was wrong.

Scott Meyer's Basic Instructions is a treasure. It should be one of your daily reads.

Now make the appointment for me. Sometime Thursday morning would be ideal.

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BI's already one of my regular reads - it's also available on so I can catch it with Lio, Frazz and Pearls Before Swine. I think Meyer is contractually obligated to give them 3 comics a week but is only doing 2; of course, this and most of the other reruns predate the gocomics contract, so "it's new to them". (Has he done a "How to Deal With a Syndicator" yet?)

Also ,another blog was doing a survey of Superhero Parodies and somebody suggested BI's occasional "Adventures of Rocket Hat" as one of the best. Can't argue with that.
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Being progressively hard of hearing, I have had to guess at a lot of things being said to me. I attempt to fill in the gaps, and hope I didn't miss anything important. I am now at the point where I must ask my wife to simply give me a noun and a verb, instead of the more verbose instructions she likes to give.
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