Archive for February 17th, 2015

Dead Man Dresses as the Green Lantern at His Funeral

(Photo: Ricardo Arduengo/AP)Here lies, er, stands Renato Garcia. He passed away at the age of 50 in San Jose, Puerto Rico. He once found a uniform for the Green Lantern Corps in a bag of donated clothes. Though he lacked...

18 Things You Might Not Know About Wayne’s World

Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar (played by Mike Myers and Dana Carvey) appeared on the SNL 40th anniversary special and proved they are just as loved as they were a quarter-century ago. The recurring skit “Wayne&rsq...

Some of the World's Most Harrowing Roads

Norway's Atlantic Ocean Road is a little over five miles long, connecting the towns of Kristiansund and Molde in the midwestern section of the coastline. According to its entry on,*/strong...

The 24 Most Intense, Death-Defying Military Training Exercises from around the World

(Photo: Reuters/China Daily)Would you jump through a ring of fire? If you’re a frontier soldier in the Chinese army, that’s a requirement. This Reuters photo from last year shows one soldier in the Heilongjia...

Elizabeth Magie: the Real Inventor of Monopoly

The official origin story of the board game Monopoly was that Charles Darrow invented it in the 1930s. He indeed became very wealthy from the idea, but it wasn’t his. The game was actually conceived by Elizabeth Ma...

5-Year Old Boy Proposes to 8 Disney Princesses . . . And 1 Said Yes!

Parker Schoberl is 5 years old, so it’s time that he get married. He went to Disney World to find a wife. He’s not that particular. He just wants a Disney princess—and any Disney prince...

An Adventure Begins - Imagination Takes Flight

An Adventure Begins by ElinakiousThe halfling sat and smoked his pipeweed and dreamed of grandiose adventures, unaware of what lie in store for him when he fulfilled his destiny as The Burglar. He watched the smoke trai...

This Mother Let Her Toddler Dress Her For A Week

Summer Bellessa is the mother of a three year-old boy. After picking out his outfits for three years, she thought it might be interesting to let him pick out her clothes for a week. The results are surprisingly fabulous...

New York Tourism Agency Gives Up, Suggests That Visitors Go to Florida Instead

It’s 9⁰F. There’s snow everywhere. Your job, as tourism director for the Ithaca, New York and Tompkins County Convention and Visitors Bureau in the Finger Lakes is to convince people to visit that place of...

When You Lose Your Snowmobile

[] (YouTube link)This guy is traveling down a snowy mountain on his snowmobile. If you think it seems like an awfully steep hill, you are right. At one point, he loses the snowmobile! As the gu...

Father Makes Jewelry From Scrap Metal for Thrilled Daughter

Carolina Breeze, 23, of Israel sent a collection of photos to Bored Panda in a user-submitted offering. She proudly explained how her father taught himself to make jewelry from scrap metal when he was out of work. *...

Bostonian Takes Revenge on Parking Space Thief

An anonymous Boston resident spent hours shoveling snow from a parking space in front of his home. He even shoveled a path to his house from it, and left an old bookshelf in the spot to block it. In Boston, if you shovel...

Sea Lion Makes a Game out of a Child's Mitten

[]YouTube LinkMiles Barnhart, during a visit to St. Louis Zoo on Saturday, captured a sea lion entertaining herself with a game of chasing a child's...

Everyday Cosplay

(Fowl Language Comics/Brian Gordon)This is my costume. I made it myself. Yes, I know: it’s not convincing at all. It’s a shoddy work of craftsmanship that was obviously cobbled together the n...

The Opposing Desires of Two Cats

[] (YouTube link)Sebastian appears to be addicted to the computer. You can’t blame him for enjoying the fish swimming across the screen. Hamlet, however, can take it or leave it. The two...

10 Animals With the Most Bizarre Sex Organs Around

Last weekend was Valentine's Day and while plenty of you got a little freaky with your special someone (or watched someone else get freaky by checking out 50 Shades of Grey), I'm doubting many of you got anywhere near as...

Whodunit: A Real False Alarm

The following is a Whodunit by Hy Conrad.  These mysteries are from The Little Giant® Book of Whodunits by Hy Conrad and Matt LaFleur. Can you solve the mystery before you read the solution? (I...

34 Places to Swim in the World's Clearest Water

Dog Island, San Blas, Panama | Image: Scott SporlederThe linked article below features photographs of beautiful bodies of water all across the globe that appear transparent and pristine. Two shots in the co...

An Angel From The Moon - The Art Of Intergalactic Conflict

An Angel From The Moon by Barrett BiggersThe Evangelion project began as a way to give humanity a chance of survival against the mysterious beings we came to know as Angels, but in the end those bio-machines showed us a...

10 More Easy and Elegant Storage Solutions

Practically everyone could use a little more space in their home, but sometimes making more space seems as impossible as turning lead into gold. Over at Homes and Hues though, we rounded up ten great storage solutions to...

Some Tentative Cognitive Effects of Chewing Gum

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research.(Image credit: Milad Mosapoor)Highlights from gummy, chewy research literature about cognitioncompiled by Katherine Lee, Improbable Research...

Graveyard Snowmen

(Photo: unknown)Did you think that you were safe from the undead during the winter? You were wrong. Zombies may freeze, but it is only now that snowzombies are ready to rise from their graves.-via Lifestylemagickgrave, c...

Love is Like an Unfamiliar Shower

Grant Snider of Incidental Comics (previously at Neatorama) presents his take on love, as analogous to a shower. Makes sense in more ways than one, does it not? No time...

Swim-Up Hotel Room

(Photo: Villa Seminyak)Some luxurious resorts have pool areas where bathers can swim directly to poolside bars. The Villa Seminyak in Bali, Indonesia goes even further. Its Lagoon Villa has a pool accessible directly fro...

When Chocolate was Medicine

In the 17th century, Europeans were introduced to new hot drinks from all over the world: tea from Asia, coffee from the Middle East, and chocolate from the Americas. The effects of these strange beverages concerned user...

Rocket Launch Lamp

Arnout Meijer, a designer in Amsterdam, made this desk lamp that he calls Get Ready for Launch. It's a minimalist design that neatly mimics the image of a rocket launching off the surface of a planet, pr...

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