Woman Donates Her Kidney to a Stranger. Now They’re Getting Married.

It’s the perfect pick-up opportunity! I wish that I had thought of this while I was single.

Step 1: Donate a major organ to woman.
Step 2: Ask her on a date.

It’s a foolproof plan!

At least it worked for Ashley McIntyre and Danny Robinson of Louisville, Kentucky. Robinson needed a kidney transplant. McIntyre heard about him on a local radio show and wanted to help, even though he was a complete stranger. She was tested for compatibility and they were a match. On April 17 of last year, doctors transplanted one of her kidneys into him. The surgery was completely successful.

(Photos by Ashley McIntyre and Danny Robinson)

It turned out that McIntyre and Robinson were a match in more ways than one. They grew closer and spent more time together. On Christmas Day of last year, Robinson proposed to McIntyre. The Courier-Journal describes the scene:

"On Christmas Day, we went to my mom's and started opening gifts," he said. "I told her I'd forgotten one and pulled out a small box" with an engagement ring. He got on his knees and asked her to marry him.

She said yes.

-via Huffington Post

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Wow... now this poor guy is *never* going to get out of doing anything on the honey-do list.
"I really don't feel like it, sweetie"

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