Love Vigilantes by Butcher Billy
They were always meeting in the strangest places, and their unconventional love affair was something neither one of them ever expected to last. And yet here they were decades later, doing the same thing on a different rooftop, their division in beliefs growing smaller by the day. Their meetings were no longer left up to chance, and the whole thing had become a game of cat and bat that could only end badly. They were afraid of expressing their feelings, afraid to lose the joy their rendezvous brought into their dark lives, but in the end they knew love would tear them apart again...
Share your love of timeless superheroic romances and timeless tracks with this Love Vigilantes t-shirt by Butcher Billy, it's one mighty cool tee!
Visit Butcher Billy's Facebook fan page, official website, Twitter and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more delightfully geeky designs:
Post-Punk Comics- Plastic Friday | Crack That Whip | I Could Be Wrong | Ms. Pacman Corsette |
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