Heinz Releases Sriracha Ketchup

Heinz has released a new ketchup product that is flavored with the beloved and trendy condiment sriracha. The brand, which already carries jalapeño ketchup, is now spicing things up with sriracha. 

In the Heinz press release on the product, brand manager Joseph Giallanella said,  

“The new offering adds a new kick to your favorite foods and recipes, pairing well with cheeseburgers, French fries and hot dogs, and is the perfect flavor boost for chicken and eggs.”

Sounds pretty tasty... and darn it if this didn't just make me crave french fries.  

Via Laughing Squid | Image: Heinz

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I noticed that too, but sriracha's ingredients vary from brand to brand, and there are many brands. One of the most popular, Tương Ớt (green cap) has the following ingredients: chili, sugar, salt, garlic, distilled vinegar, potassium sorbate, sodium bisulfite and xanthan gum. The first five ingredients are basic. How much could Heinz deviate from those basic ingredients and still have a sriracha flavor? Not much.
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