Archive for February 12th, 2015

Scholars Determine That Climate Shapes How Languages Sound

(Image: CBS)Caleb Everett, Damián E. Blasi and Seán G. Roberts recently published the results of their research into common characteristics of languages based on native climate. They conclude that a...

Daisy Monroe - Some Like It Quacky

Daisy Monroe by Emilie BoisvertDaisy was tired of living in Donald's shadow, and she was sick of being seen as nothing but a goody two shoes, so she bought herself a new dress and adopted a sassy new attitude. She chang...

50 Shades of Grey Quotes: Visualized

We’ve seen the fun to be had with the movie 50 Shades of Grey in the parody trailer Fifty Shades Of Steve Buscemi. The book that the movie is based on is renowned for its atrocious prose. The graphic desig...

Woman Upset at Husband Who Forgot to Tell Her about the Snake in Their Car

(Photo: Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers)Women! Ugh. Right, guys? Nothing keeps them happy. You catch a snake and put it in your car, forget to tell her about it, and she flips out.One man in Australia is e...

5 Coolest ‘Space Cowboys’ of All Time

Who’s your favorite “space cowboy”? Buzz Aldrin? Well, maybe, but this list deals with fictional characters from movies and TV. Before you try to envision your favorite, here’s the definition used...

Woman Donates Her Kidney to a Stranger. Now They’re Getting Married.

It’s the perfect pick-up opportunity! I wish that I had thought of this while I was single.Step 1: Donate a major organ to woman. Step 2: Ask her on a date.It’s a foolproof plan!At least it worked for Ashley...

Heinz Releases Sriracha Ketchup

Heinz has released a new ketchup product that is flavored with the beloved and trendy condiment sriracha. The brand, which already carries jalapeño ketchup, is now...

Man Swims Through Frozen Lake to Rescue Dog

[] (Video Link)Dog is man’s best friend and man occasionally returns the favor. In this case from Russia, man really delivered. You see, the man who bravely jumps...

Psychedelic Experiences

Once again, the guys at Doghouse Diaries nail it. Ask anyone who’s experienced anything else on this spectrum and has watched modern children’s TV shows. In my real world experience,...

You Can Now Name an Heir to Your Facebook Account

(Image: Facebook)The throne, the titles, the lands—you can get them all by arranging the right “accident.” But access to the private Facebook account? Until recently, that was impossible. But now Facebo...

Heart-Shaped Bike Rack

Do you love to ride? Artist Graham McLoughlin does, so he developed a bike rack to show it. He worked with the bike rack manufacturer Cyclehoop and the British Heart Foundation to place 14-heart shaped racks around Londo...

Turned Into Disney Characters for Valentines Day

Brian wanted a very special gift for his girlfriend Manini for Valentines Day. They are both Disney movie fans, so he commissioned artist Dylan Bonner to put both he and Manini into Disney movie scenes. The first reactio...

Mordor Dark Ale - The Brew That Will Drink You Dry!

Mordor Dark Ale by Cory Freeman DesignIf you're looking for a beer that will look right back at you while you drink, a foamy brew that sucks the soul right out of your body, then you'll love Mordor Dark Ale. Brewed in s...

Julia Pastrana's Long Wait for Respect

Julia Pastrana (previously at Neatorama) is the topic of a well written article at The Public Domain Review. Pastrana was an indigenous Mexican woman born in 1834 with deformities that resulted in her and her...

Butterflies (A Simon’s Cat Valentine Story)

[] (YouTube link)Love is in the air, as Simon’s Cat has discovered a pretty girl cat in the window. Now he’s got a case of the butterflies! What can he offer to impress her? This ca...

Buddhist Monks Playing Quidditch

Quidditch is a sport in the Harry Potter universe. It's sort of like soccer, except that the players ride on broomsticks. There are real world versions too--even for Muggles like you.These Buddhist monks in Thailand are...

The Surfing Heron

[] (YouTube link)This heron appears to be surfing the lake, or maybe doing a type of glide dance step that only wading birds understand. His secret is revealed as you watch the video from Kruge...

10 Delightfully Bizarre Pet Products

Manufacturers of pet products are well aware that we're obsessed with our furry family members, and they're constantly creating new products which are invented in an effort to please our pets.Meanwhile, cats would rather...

One Piece at a Time

The title of this post refers to the Johnny Cash song, but it’s what Boris Karavkin actually did. Karavkin is a retired artist in Minsk, Belarus, which was part of the USSR. The wait to buy a new car in the Soviet...

Cat Will Take Your Treats and You'll Like It

[]YouTube LinkOne cat in the house is given treats, but that doesn't mean he'll be eating them. There's a swiftly moving paw in between the aforementioned cat and the treats pr...

Ray Cats, Artificial Moons and the Atomic Priesthood: How the Government Plans to Protect Our Nuclear Waste

Radioactive junkyards remain dangerous for millennia. So how do you keep future generations of urban explorers and dumpster divers away from all that toxic trash? With a sign, of course! Ray Cats, Artificial...

Swan Rescued after Beak Freezes Shut

(Photo: Europics)A swan was swimming amidst a group of ducks in the Peacock River, Korla, Xinjiang, China. A couple walking along the river noticed that in the cold weather, the swan's beak had frozen shut with a th...

World’s Bravest Tooth Extraction

What’s worse than a polar bear with a toothache? I don’t know, since it’s not a joke. It’s the story of Boris, a polar bear at the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium in Tacoma, Washington. Boris is 2...

Love Vigilantes - Why Is Your Cowl So Cold?

Love Vigilantes by Butcher BillyThey were always meeting in the strangest places, and their unconventional love affair was something neither one of them ever expected to last. And yet here they were decades later, doing...

Your Dreams, Photoshop Edition

"I was running in a field of flames, chased by flying octopus. I was really scared and my only weapon was fireworks." | Margaux, 01.17.2014 A new Tumblr called Photoshop Your Dreams has popped up, and it's an am...

How the Military Waged a Graphic-Design War on Venereal Disease

Learning a lesson from the venereal disease epidemic among military personnel in Word War I, the U.S. government wanted to take no chances in World War II. They enlisted artists, designers, and advertising professionals...

The Birth of a Legend

(Lapizados)Movie producer Michael Bay is famous for the explosions that unnecessarily punctuate his movies. It is a destiny that he was born to. Similarly, the delivery room staff was temporarily blinded...

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