(Photo: Highways Agency)
Would you like to be happy? Of course you do! Your supervisor considers your happiness to be essential. It will have a great impact on your quarterly evaluation. So keep your happiness level high because a new device invented by Hitachi monitors it continously and informs your boss of your happiness -- or lack thereof.
Hitachi's new gadget is about the size of a credit card. You wear it (presumably it's not yet available as a subdermal implant). Sophie Chara of the Wall Street Journal explains how it works:
Essentially, Hitachi has come up with a happiness algorithm based on how much you sit, stand, nod, type and walk around at work. The badge houses an accelerometer to measure your activity, including how quickly, say, you are moving and collects data on your movements an incredible 50 times a second throughout the day.
The benefit of the system is that ideally all employees in a business would wear a badge with the wearable sending data to cloud based servers in real time. The aim isn't to get individual data but an overall score of workplace happiness. It's a system Hitachi dubs Human Big Data.
So keep smiling!
-via Rocket News 24
Comments (3)
Happy employee = no need for a raise.
Unhappy employee = first to be laid off.