Color Tiles

The instructions for the game Color Tiles seem simple:

Click on a blank space.
If the color matches the nearest neighboring tiles,vertically or horizontally,
from the clicked space, you get the matching tiles.

Actually doing that is maddening. Find two matching tiles with a blank space in between, great. Find two catty-corner with a blank space adjacent, wonderful. But those are not easy to find! Once you start getting rid of tiles, the configuration changes, and there are more blank spaces. But you are timed, so don’t study too thoroughly. Is it a good idea to click all the blank spaces as fast as you can? No, because in addition to being timed, you also have a finite number of clicks. Tiles that are farther away from each other with other colors in between will also work, but are almost impossible to see. The highest I’ve scored so far is 45. If you are color-blind, you can toggle a mode in which symbols appear on the tiles. Try it yourself and let me know if I am just hopeless at games like this. -via Look At This

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I spent a lot of the last few days on it and finally got 194 points, with 6 tiles all different remaining and nothing to do for the last few seconds. It would be very hard to get the board completely clear, and there's so little time remaining that I doubt there would be a second level.
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