Truck Transmission Loses Reverse, Owner Devises Way to Make It Go Backwards Anyway

(Video Link)

YouTube user hexdude24 owns a truck. The reverse gear in his transmission went out. He can't afford to fix it. In the meantime, he's using this device that he made. It slips under his rear wheels. As he drives forward, it pulls his truck backward.

(Video Link)

Forgive me, readers: Alex hired me for my looks, not my brains. How does this system work? I'm struggling to understand it.

-via 22 Words

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My old Austin Allegro lost its starter motor (literally - the teeth on the ring were so worn that one day instead of meshing they met head on and pushed the starter out sideways through the casing), so I hjad to park facing downhill for a weekj or two.
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Yes. What he said ^
The tires no longer touch the ground. Instead by going forward the tires drive the cylinders in reverse and the reversing cylinders are in contact with the ground.
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