Archive for February 5th, 2015

The Depressing Epilogues To Four Reality Shows

Reality shows are depressing enough to watch as it is, but they become way more depressing when you learn a bit of the cast's backstory, or if you look into what happened to those “stars” after their show was...

Aircraft Carrier Passes through a Rainbow

The mighty USS John C. Stennis, a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier based in Bremerton, Washington, passed through a rainbow in the Pacific Ocean on Tuesday morning. For the photographer, Mass Communication...

Action Women

[] (vimeo link)ClaraDarko put together a montage of female action heroes from movies you know and love. Take out all the dialogue, all the exposition, and all the sex, and what’s left is p...

This Barber Will Shame Your Misbehaving Kid by Giving Him an Old Man's Haircut

(Photo: A-1 Kutz Barber Shop & Salon)Russell Fredrick is a barber and the owner of A-1 Kutz Barber Shop & Salon in Snellville, Georgia, a suburb of Atlanta. If your child is misbehaving, you can threaten to take...

Gotham Knight - When It Comes To Being A Detective He's Aces

Gotham Knight by HarantulaThere are two sides to that dark and shadowy knight- the billionaire playboy who pretends not to care about the fate of the world and the man in the bat suit who singlehandedly brings justice t...

The Surreal Provocateur Who Forever Altered Fashion

Fashion designer Elsa Schiaparelli made a big splash in the 1920s and ’30s by marrying art and fashion. But she also developed practical, modern wearables like culottes and swimsuits with bras inside. Her avant-gar...

Orphaned Lamb Thinks That She's a Dog

[](Video Link)Jemma McKenzie's collies adopted Pet, an orphaned lamb. Like Tarzan, she's taken up the ways of her new family. She wags her tail and plays like a dog. You can wat...

Snow Star Wars

This colossal snow sculpture is the centerpiece of the Sapporo Snow Festival, which opens today in Japan. The Star Wars-themed sculpture was sponsored by Disney, approved by Lucasfilm, and built by the 11th Brigade of th...

The Greatest BuzzFeed Listicle Ever Written

It is the dream of every writer to compose a listicle that will stand the test of time as a seminal work of literature. Not every person to pick up a pen has the intuition, skill, and perseverance to master this subtle l...

More Than Warts

[] (YouTube link)This video contains frank medical and anatomy terms that may not be appropriate for your workplace. ZDoggMD (previously at Neatorama) has a new public health song about prevent...

Corn on the Cob Pillow

A warm ear of corn smothered in butter just feels good, right? So slip one under your head as you go to bed. Designer Weng Jie made that fantasy a reality with this pillow design called the Sweetcorn Pillow*/stro...

Word Problems

Grant Snider has a knack for taking something that was once considered a liability or weakness and finding new and creative ways of harnessing or focusing that very liabillity. At the same time, he reminds us that we are...

Golden Retriever Puppy Compilation

[]YouTube LinkThis Pet Collective compilation of golden retriever puppies being roly poly, inquisitive and playful is fun to watch, but these pups have a lot to learn about lif...

For the Best-Dressed at Mardi Gras

OppoSuits, the company that brought us the hilarious Ugly Christmas Sweater Suits, is ready to dress you up for Mardi Gras! This suit is called Harleking. In it, you’ll be king of the harlequins.If...

Fan Gets Radical Facial Surgery To Look Like Red Skull

Comic book fans express their love of the medium in many different ways, but these expressions are generally quite simple, like a bit of cosplay or a tattoo of their favorite character(s). One guy went a bit further and...

Mystery Mech - Powered By Jinkies

Mystery Mech by Captain RibManThe Mystery Machine gang was tired of chasing down criminals on foot, and since they'd come up against a fifty foot tall ape that wasn't an old man in a mask they decided to bring in some m...

Fixing a Hole

[] (YouTube link)A culvert in Brazil became clogged, leading to water flooding over the road. Neighborhood men gathered to unclog the drain. When the key piece of debris was removed, the power...

Eight Mysterious Disappearances

One story on this list of eight disappearances may correspond with the chilling photo above left. Tara Calico (shown above right in a photo from a police handout, and below in a comparison photo with the one above)...

Kinetic Insect Lamp Glows and Flutters

U-Ram Choe, a Korean artist, is noted for his moving mechanical sculptures that are inspired by living creatures. His latest two works, Silver Insecta Lamp and Gold Insecta Lamp, take the form of insect...

A Few Facts You May Not Know About Richard Nixon

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.Richard Milhous Nixon. Just the name still sends vibrations of hate and malice i...

Celebrities Accused of Being Bad Neighbors

A bad neighbor can make everyday life extremely difficult. It's easy to take your goofy, bathrobe-and-curlers-in-the-front-yard neighbor for granted until you have another who seems truly malicious. The referring article...

Mjolnir Purse

“Whoever holds this purse, if she be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.”Thor is now, by the way, a woman. So it’s appropriate that she equip herself for battle. Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor, takes...

Sloth Magic

[]Vimeo LinkIn the footage above, Lucy Cooke, a filmmaker and founder of the Sloth Appreciation Society, discusses humans' positive reaction to seeing sloths. Wha...

Rings with Tiny Worlds inside of Them

Theo Fennell, a master jeweler from the UK, has designed a wide array of rings that contain tiny dioramas. Little gold doors flip open on hinges, showing inner landscapes and characters. He often takes h...

Big Trilobites in the Sky

These holes look like big trilobites in the sky, or maybe they could be called “skylobites.” This picture of failstreak holes over Florida was posted by redditor deadhalo. They are sometimes...

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