Everybody loves music- it's the sound that soothes our savage souls, the beats we dance to, the ringtones in our phones and the rhythms we hear as we make our way through the world. Everywhere you go people are groovin' to their favorite tunes because hearing a great song puts the world in a groovy mood!
Music and geekdom make a perfect pair, and in the NeatoShop you'll find all kinds of cool designs that combine your favorite geeky subject matter with musical flair, most of which are only available in the rockinest online store- the NeatoShop!
Clockwork Orange Singin' In The Rain by Dutyfreak
Music inspired mashups usually start with great cover art
Galactic Empire-The Trooper by Markwelser
Iconic art that comes to define the band, and their signature sound
Jokers Gotham Tour 1989 by Demonigote
Fans like their favorite art to reflect their taste in music
Old School Rock N Roll Skull by Mudge
To fans the cover art is more than just a design- it's a representation of the listener's state of mind after hearing their favorite album
Sometimes listening to a certain kind of music puts the listener in a mellow mood
Guiding the listener on a musical journey inside their mind
Other times hearing their favorite tunes tends to drive fans totally crazy
I Used To Be Funny... by Manny Peters Art + Design
Music can stir up a myriad of emotions, and totally change the energy in the room
Bringing the sound of the streets to life like never before
Or capturing that country sound so perfectly it's scary
Fazbear's Jamboree by Ninjaink
No matter the genre or the tempo listening to music can be a total trip
And it can make you feel like totally rockin' out!
We bat at the air as drummers pound out a catchy beat
The Great Drummers of our Time by Lederman Studio
We clutch invisible mics and sing at the top of our lungs when we're home alone
The music building a bridge between our heads and our hearts
Appetite For Construction by Cubik
We toss caution to the wind, our fear of the future placed on hold one track length at a time
Benderama Shiny Metal Ass by A_Man_Oxford
Those wicked tunes becoming a part of who we are
We wear our musical attitudes on our sleeves
And happily headbang along to the savage rhythm
Music makes us feel like the master of our own tonal universe
Grayskull Maiden by Profeta999
It makes us feel like we're part of an exclusive club
I Wanna Be An Avenger by Markwelser
And teaches us what it means to be human
Music inspires us to explore the world and the cosmos beyond
Sagan / Slayer (Monsters Of Grok) by Amorphia Apparel
And makes us proud to hail from such a rockin' hometown
Born In Pallet Town by Alberto Arni
We feel like all is right in the universe when our favorite singers belt out a badass tune
It Ain't Personal by Rocky Davies
And we want so bad to be a part of our favorite bands that we start to dress just like them
In hopes that a bit of their music star persona will rub off on us
We music fans are never too old to take in a timeless tune
And we're gonna keep on rockin' until our dying day!
The Dreams In Which I'm Dying by Rocky Davies
Bring home some rockin' new gear for the new year, head to the NeatoShop and pick up one of these totally radical designs on a t-shirt or hoodie. All sales support Neatorama and indie artists from around the world who designed these great shirts for music lovers like you, so sound off in style and share your love of good music with the world with a NeatoShop shirt!
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