"Lost Dog" is another in the grand tradition of Super Bowl commercials by Budweiser, which often feature the company's iconic Clydesdale horses. In this tearjerker, a follow-up to last year's ad "Puppy Love," a yellow Labrador retriever puppy is accidentally taken a long distance from his home and farm friends, and he must find a way to make it back. See the video below for "making of" footage.
In related Super Bowl puppy ad news, GoDaddy made a Super Bowl advertisement that was intended to be a parody of this Budweiser ad, yet they pulled it after backlash from groups such as the SPCA and change.org, who argued that it encouraged puppy mills and inhumane breeding. This article in Variety goes so far as to suggest that GoDaddy planned the whole thing as a publicity stunt, which makes sense given how many media outlets are covering the story. What do you think, readers? -Via Tastefully Offensive
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Adorable! But the one that still makes me tear up most is the first one in the series.
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