Archive for January 27th, 2015

This Cup Lets Astronauts Sip Espresso in Zero Gravity

(Photo: Portland State University)Italy plans to send an espresso machine to the International Space Station later this year, which has prompted this innovative cup design. Astronauts usually suck liquids out of containe...

10 Unsettling Urban Legends from the Battlefields of History

Tales born in the confusion of battle can sometimes grow and change considerably by the time they get to you, particularly stories from long long ago. The old saying “History is written by the winners” holds...

What Inevitably Happens When 5 Guys Have a Bubble Wrap Factory All to Themselves

Admit it: you would do this, too.Monday was Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day, one of the more under-appreciated holidays on the American cultural calendar. Rarely will employers give workers a day off on this most h...

A New Face for Violet

Almost-two-year-old Violet Pietrok’s facial bones didn’t fuse together prenatally, leaving her with a syndrome called Tessier Cleft. Her eyes were so far apart that she couldn’t see properly, and her no...

New Guinness World Record: Man Takes 1,449 Selfies in One Hour

(Photo: Patrick Peterson)I have never taken a selfie, so I am very, very far behind Patrick Peterson, a cornerback on the Arizona Cardinals football team. He’s a fast actor with both a football and a cellphone. On...

NeatoMail Exclusive Hoodie Giveaway Winner

Congratulations to the winner of our latest NeatoMail exclusive giveaway: Neatoramanaut Carmen has chosen this awesome "Periodic Mario Table" by Zarkan - wise choice and perfect for the chilly winter weather we...

Homemade Gas-powered Horse

[] (YouTube link)Su Daocheng is a farmer in a China and a self-taught mechanical genius. He built this gas engine-powered horse to help him plow his fields, but I honestly don’t see him g...

"Dead" Cat Claws out of Grave 5 Days Later

(Photo: Tampa Humane Society)Someone in Tampa, Florida hit Bart the cat with a car. He was lying, apparently lifeless, in a pool of his own blood in the road when his owner, Ellis Hutson, found him. Hutson dug a hole and...

Walking With Rob And Stan - After Con Apocalypse

Walking With Rob and Stan by Chip SkeltonWade had finally started hanging out with the comic book in crowd when the zombie apocalypse swept through the nerd con like a bad stench. Suddenly fanboys and geek girls were ch...

“If You Are Eating Chocolate, How Do You Know When to Stop?” – Being Black in China

[] (Video Link)“Why are you black?” If you’re a black person visiting China, you may get asked this question. This fascinating video by TMD Shanghai shares the...

Auschwitz 70 Years On

View image | gettyimages.comSeventy years ago, on January 27th, 1945, the Soviet army liberated the Auschwitz network of concentration camps. Survivors and dignitaries gathered at the site in Poland, preserved as a museu...

Cartoons Paused At Just The Right Moment Makes Them Seem Oh So Wrong

Have you ever sat around pausing movies or television shows hoping to land on just the right moment so you can have a good laugh at the out-of-context hilarity on the screen?That’s the comedic power of the pause in...

The Mother ‘Hood

[] (YouTube link)A large number of apparently first-time parents gather at the neighborhood park to defend their baby care choices by snarking at those who have selected a different path. I say...

A Tiny Violin Shop inside a Violin

(Photo: Mini Time Machine Museum of Miniature)During her lifetime, Tucson, Arizona philanthropist Pat Arnell has collected a wide array of ornate, high-quality miniatures. Five years ago, Arnell opened a museum to e...

Doc or Crock: 6 Recent “Documentaries” That Have Been Accused of Being Fake

You remember that “documentary” about Megalodon that headlined Shark Week a couple of years ago, don’t you? It kind of ruined the whole idea of Shark Week for many viewers, because we know that Megalodo...

Discontinued Food Items We've Loved And Lost

(Image Link)Foodies get mighty attached to their favorite food products, and we continue to search online and check in with local stores “just in case” long after our favorite products have disappeared from s...

Seven Pounds of Insanity

Redditor emlod takes lots of video of his cat, Luna. She’s three years old, but still has the heart of a kitten. He made a compilation of her craziest cat behavior, which encompasses the stuff we s...

Dashing Through the Snow in a 1907 Auto Sleigh

Need to cut a path through the snow? Maybe you should get an auto sleigh. Even in the early years of automobiles, people were converting their cars into self-powered sleighs. One common arrangement was to place the car o...

Coffee Around the World

[]YouTube LinkBuzzFeed put together this video of various coffee concoctions from countries all across the globe. Some are iced, some are hot, all are decidedly different than...

Jones - Street Cleaner Supreme

Jones by Cory Freeman DesignHe's not that Casey from Mudville who went up to bat and struck out, but if you know someone who needs a baseball bat upside their head he's the man for the job! Casey leads a pretty weird l...

Trinkaus: An Informal Look

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research.A glance at the colorful research of an under-publicized scientistby Alice Shirrell Kaswell, with research assistance from Rachael Moeller G...

Creative Writing Prompt: Big Rubber Duck

Taiwanese artist Kare Huang composed this magnificent piece of science fiction (it is fictional, right?) art. The enormous mechanical duck is inscribed with the words “UN Navy” and “Big Rubber Duck.&rdq...

The Double Down Dog

KFC rolled out a new menu item Monday: the Double Down Dog. This carnivore’s concoction consists of a hot dog nestled in a "bun" of breaded fried chicken pieces. You can have yours with a splash of...

If Disney Princesses Had Realistic Hair

If you’re a Disney princess, then your job is to always look good at all times. Thankfully, you’ve got a staff of top-notch animators working with you 24/7 to do that. Shoot, you probably have a designated ha...

Artist Inserts Iconic Symbols of Famous People into Their Names

Vincent Van Gogh is known for his unfortunate decision about his ear. It's hard to imagine Charlie Chaplin without the little tramp's cane. Patrik Svensson, a Swedish artist with a gift for precisely expressing himself t...

School is Closed

[] (YouTube link)Matt Glendinning, the head of Moses Brown School in Providence, Rhode Island, made the decision to close school for the big snow event. But he had to dress the announcement up...

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