Mathematical Art

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John Edmark’s kinetic sculptures are expertly constructed of laser-cut wood and other moving parts to create the mechanized wizardry shown here. In Edmark's artist's statement at his website, he explains the importance of mathematics to his artistic philosophy:

"Much of my work celebrates the patterns underlying space and growth. Through kinetic sculptures and transformable objects, I strive to give viewers access to the surprising structures hidden within apparently amorphous space... The works can be thought of as instruments that amplify our awareness of the sometimes tenuous relationship between facts and perception...

I employ precise mathematics in the design and fabrication of my work. I do this neither out of a desire to exhibit precision per se, nor to exalt the latest technology, but because the questions I’m trying to formulate and answer about spatial relationships can only be addressed with geometrically exacting constructions. Mathematical precision is an essential ally in my goal of achieving clarity."

See more of these pieces on Edmark's Vimeo page. -Via Colossal

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