Archive for January 20th, 2015

TMNT The Animated Series - Half-Shelled Heroes By Moonlight

TMNT The Animated Series by JozVozThe teenage turtles already have an animated series, three or four in fact and just as many movies, but that cartoon show starring ol' Batsy looks so much cooler! They were dying to see...

New Canadian Passport is a "Party on Every Page"

A Redditor recently posted these cool pictures of the latest Canadian passport. When held under black light, bright, multi-colored designs appear, mingling with the one-colored, subtle designs that...

How to Jump out of a Moving Car (And Survive)

(Image: Mr. Porter)I’ll assume that you’re reading this post on a smartphone and you’re in a hurry. Your time is valuable—so very valuable—at this particular moment. That’s wh...

6 Ways to Prepare a Coelacanth

[] (YouTube link)Prepare a coelacanth? Surely people don’t eat the most ancient of all fish species -they are so rare that we once thought they were extinct! No, that’s not what thi...

The Organum Mathematicum: A 17th Century Computer

(Photos: Galileo Museum)Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680) was a Jesuit scholar and polymath who was celebrated in his lifetime as one of the greatest geniuses of his age. He published on optics, magnetism, linguistics, hydr...

R2D2 Baby Bump

Avid Star Wars fans Tony Giordano and his wife Stefaney are expecting a baby soon. They got artist Nick Wolfe to paint Stefaney’s expanding belly with R2D2’s dome! They surprised the obstetrician with the art...

The Scientific Power of Meditation

[]YouTube LinkMeditation is an activity often suggested to those having problems with pain, stress, depression, anxiety and other struggles of the human condition. It's easy fo...

Deep Fried Beer Batter Cheesecake-Stuffed Strawberries

Mere strawberries don't cut it anymore, nor do cheesecake-filled strawberries. Fia Fortune of Fia's Maine Kitchen pushes the boundaries of culinary decadence even further with this deep fried concoction....

Helmet Camera Captures a Fiery Inferno from the Firefighter’s Perspective

[] (Video Link)Earlier this month, fire ravaged about 48 square miles of land in Adelaide Hills, South Australia. While residents fled, firefighters rushed in to contain, then e...

6 Nobodies Who Turned Into Action Heroes Without Warning

While movies are filled with situations in which a bystander, played by one of our favorite action heroes, must rise to the occasion and take out the bad guys single-handed, we often look at those stories as if they&rsqu...

Magnificent "Magical Realist" Paintings by Rob Gonsalves

The Woods WithinArtist Rob Gonsalves was born in Toronto, Canada. In his early years after college, he worked as an architect and painter of murals and theater sets. He eventually began painting full time. Influ...

Playful Gorilla of the Galaxy : Rocket Raccoon!! - Simply Oozing With Style

Playful Gorilla of the Galaxy: Rocket Raccoon!! by Playful GorillaIf you're a fan of that rugged raccoon named Rocket then you're going to go ape for this design! The masterful ape artist known as Playful Gorilla has br...

A Terrible, Horrible, Very Bad Hair Day! - Twaggies

[]We've teamed up with Dailymotion and will be bringing you animated Twaggies cartoons each month. Today we've got a great, new episode featuring the brilliant @joe_hillAnd don't for...

A Tribute to TV Dogs

[] (YouTube link)Which TV dog is your favorite? This supercut tries to cover the most beloved of them, whether they talk, daydream, do tricks, wreak havoc, or just get made fun of. You have to...

Mathematical Art

[]Vimeo LinkJohn Edmark’s kinetic sculptures are expertly constructed of laser-cut wood and other moving parts to create the mechanized wizardry shown here. In Edmark's ar...

Dragon vs. Apache Attack Helicopter: Who Would Win?

[](Video Link)There can be no doubt that the US Department of Defense has already conducted a thorough study of this scenario. But that's classified.Fortunately, experts at the...

Mortuary Chapel Embedded with Human Skulls

In the small town of Wolhusen, Switzerland, a funeral home chapel sits as it has since the 17th century. Its walls are decorated with a wraparound mural depicting the Dance of Death, in which corpse-like death figures co...

Emoji Art by Yung Jake

Kim KardashianOld-school ASCII art gets a colorful update by rapper and artist Yung Jake, who created these celebrity portraits using emojis. He uses, a website in which people ca...

Tree Change Dolls

An artist in Tasmania is altering discarded Bratz dolls. He/she gets them from second hand shops, repaints their faces with more realistic features and no makeup, and gives them new molded feet and new (often knitted or...

20 DIY Ideas Using Wine Corks

Commemorative key chains | Image: cleverlyinspired.comWine corks acquired while we entertain guests or relax during down time are often discarded without a second thought. The article linked below presents...

Video: Powerful Magnets Destroying Things

Would you like to smash small household objects? Then you need a pair of neodymium magnets. Nothing else will work. First4Magnets sells all sorts of magnets, including these heavy neodymium magnets. When placed in a fram...

Decoding the British ack-SEN-triks Movement: A Phonemological Analysis

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Harold P. Dowd (with a "w," not a “u“)Centerville, USA of AmericaThe consignment came by phone, without warming, under t...

Tell Me About Your Mother - The Psychology Of Style

Tell Me About Your Mother by Diego PedauyéIt all started with the Freudian slip, which was racy and very revealing but most definitely couldn't be worn outside the home, so it was only a matter of time before som...

Matte Paintings Used in the Original Star Wars Film Trilogy

Chris Evans working his magicBefore computer-generated graphics were used in film, franchises such as Star Wars and Indiana Jones used what was referred to as matte paintings. Usually cons...

Dad Eats Centipede, Toddler Has the Most Adorable Reaction Ever

He really did it! He really did it! Dad will eat anything!That's the apparent response of this little girl to watching her father pretend to eat a toy centipede. She's utterly amazed and insists on investigating his biza...

Revisiting the Farm of Photographer Elena Shumilova

Mother and photographer Elena Shumilova (previously at Neatorama) first got widespread recognition a year ago with her charming photographs of rural life. She's once again making the rounds with a new se...

What Would You Do If You Never Had to Sleep?

(Doghouse Diaries)Super strength? The ability to fly? No, this is a truly great superpower. If you can go without sleep, you can free up several hours of the day to do even more work.Why, I coul...

AquaDuck Waterslide

[] (YouTube link)The AquaDuck waterside on the Disney Fantasy cruise ship is not like the waterside at your local park. It’s not as vertical or fast, and there’s no big spl...

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