7 Cool and Wonderful Hotel Rooms

Sometimes the journey is greater than the destination, and sometimes the hotel room is the best part of the vacation. That really might be the case in vacations that involve stays in these strange wonderful hotel rooms we featured on Homes and Hues. 

From Batman-themed love hotels to converted airplanes and from hotels built just above the water to those built under water, these hotels are totally fantastic and utterly strange. 

Don't miss the full list at Homes and Hues: The 7 Strangest Hotel Rooms On Earth

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Coolest place I've ever seen is the Mansion on O St in the Dupont Circle section of Washington DC. It is three row houses merged together and is now a hotel/museum/meeting event place. It has over 30 rooms each done in a separate theme (cabin, John Lennon, Elvis, astronomy, etc...). I looked into booking the mansion for my wedding reception and was blown away at how cool the place was. They do have self and guided tours through the mansion as well as occasional scavenger hunts. If you want to book a room or suite for a night, be prepared to shell out $$$$$$$ though.
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