Archive for January 13th, 2015

18 Things You May Not Know About Parks and Recreation

The NBC comedy Parks and Recreation has just started its seventh and final season. No matter whether you were there from the beginning, or you jumped in when the series became wildly popular, you’ll want t...

Dog Regularly Takes the Bus On Her Own to Visit Seattle Dog Park

[]YouTube LinkEclipse, a black Labrador retriever/bullmastiff mix from Seattle, has learned to take public transportation on her own in order to get to a local dog park. The se...

Comatose Man Wakes Up After Nurses Wave Money Under His Nose

(Photo: Europics)Here’s your heart-warming news story of the day. Xiao Li of Shenzhen, China spent a week in an internet cafe researching business opportunities. After going a week without sleep, he fell into a dee...

How to Steal Pizza

[] (YouTube link)Dave Hax explains in detail how to get more of the pizza than you should, or more than you are entitled to. This works much better if you are the one bringing it home, or pulli...

Switching Gears

These cool switchplates are by Green Tree Jewelry. The whimsical designs are made of wooden pieces laser cut to resemble gears and other machine parts. The maker is based in San Diego. I own a pair of their earrings, so...

Super Mario Taken

[](Video Link)If you want ransom, Mario doesn't have money. What he does have is a particular set of skills--skills that he has acquired over a very long career. Skills that mak...

Back To The Future 2 Concept Art Reveals More Of What 2015 Should Look Like

We now officially live in that far off future age presented by that most radical of 80s sci-fi flicks Back To The Future Part II, and yet the reality of 2015 looks a bit boring when compared to a future full of...

Identical Triplets Born in Montana

Image: Casey PageA woman gave birth to a set of identical triplet boys in Montana last month. The triplets were born to Jase and Jody Kinsey of Miles City, Montana, who named them Cade, Ian and Milo. Births of ident...

Enter To Win A Mighty Cool Paint Pals T-Shirt By SilverBaX

Spidercan by SilverBaX Spidercan, Spidercan, spraying like no spider can. Tags up walls, red and blue, leaves behind a pile of goo, look out! Here comes that Spidercan! Add some superheroic color to your geeky wardro...

Bowling Chameleons

[] (YouTube link)HelloDenizen, the folks behind the Tiny Hamster series, have once again put animals into a human situation. These chameleons aren’t forced into a sporting competition aga...

Dancing with Powder

Photos: Jeffrey Vanhoutte Is your coffee creamer so good it makes you wanna dance? Belgian photographer Jeffrey Vanhoutte shot these wonderful photos of an acrobat dancing in a cloud of milk powder in this ad camp...

The Hitchcock Gallery

[]YouTube LinkThis video uses clips of every feature film of revered director Alfred Hitchcock to explore recurring visual elements. The amalgam of stairs, heights, falls, eyes,...

Map of Japan Made with Orange Peels

Oona McGee of Rocket News 24 explains that eating oranges is a popular New Year’s tradition in Japan. This is often done over a kotatsu, which is a low table with heater underneath it. People sit under them during...

What People Say and What They REALLY Mean

Lies girlfriends tell each other and what they really mean Read my lips: what people say and what they really mean are usually two different things. Thankfully, writer Mikael Wulff and artis...

How Many Days Are In A Week?

A bodybuilding forum discusses a good workout schedule, which may be three times a week. Or it could be every other day, which is four to five times a week. What? The conversation quickly switches to math, specifically,...

A Smallville Man

[](Video Link)But not a small man. No, he was strong and powerful in the only way that matters. And, as a result, he would inspire others to be something other than small.This i...

Three-Year-Old Flower Girl and Ring Bearer Grow Up to Wed Each Other

   Images: Alix Rae Photography / Via FacebookMinnesota residents Brittney and Briggs Fussy were married this past weekend, but they had previous experience walking down the aisle of a church...

Summer and Eve Explain the Birds and the Bees

[] (YouTube link)A couple of days ago, we saw a video in which parents explained the facts of life to their children. This is different, because it’s in musical form! Above Average brings...

Reese’s Pieces Snake Cake

The uncle of redditor Dookalignmike made this cake covered with Reese’s Pieces. Keep in mind the old rhyme to distinguish between a king snake and a coral snake:Red and yellow, kill a fellow. Red a...

Life Found - The Robotic Gardener

Life Found (collaboration with Naolito) by Legendary PhoenixE had been searching for life for such a long time that his hope chip had burned out and his faith-o-meter had gone from optimistic to time to give up, but the...

Spectacular Photo Captures Optical Phenomena

The photo above, taken by Joshua Thomas, is of a sunrise in Red River, New Mexico. But it's not simply a beautiful photo. A number of optical illusions are captured in the image, namely a 22º halo, a sun pillar...

Nine Of The Most Sadorable Characters In Movies And TV

(Image Link)There is one character archetype in the world of pop culture that is so specific, so exact in attitude and circumstance, that it needs a combination adjective to describe it properly- sadorable.Sadorable char...

Good Looking Customers Eat for Free at This Chinese Restaurant

I’ll never have to pay for a meal again—provided that I can get to this restaurant in Zhengzhou, Henan province, China. At this sophisticated eatery, a team of employees from a plastic surgery clinic assesses...

A Corgi at Disneyland

Cesar Zamora took his adorable corgi Pancake to Disneyland for a day of fun and photography. It wasn’t Pancake’s first trip to the the Happiest Place on Earth, but it was a memorable one, as she posed with Al...

For Your Inner 12-Year Old: Nunchucks iPhone Case

I can’t express it better than John Brownlee of FastCoDesign does:Tragically enough for the 12-year-old inside all of us, there are all too few opportunities to whip around a pair of nunchucks in contemporary adult...

Manhattan's First Cat Café is Open for Business

Meow Parlour, New York City’s first permanent cat café, is newly open on the Lower East Side. The café is booking customers online, which for the most part will eliminate one issue common to all...

“Slap Her": Children's Reactions

[] (YouTube link)A media group in Italy recruited a few young boys for a video project, but the real purpose of the video was not explained to them beforehand. Watch as they take direction up t...

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