Bathe in Knowledge with This Bathtub of Books

In 2008, Vanessa Mancini exhibited this unique art installation consisting of a sink and bathtub made out of books. Her own footprints cut out of pages mark a path from the tub to the sink. When these photos were taken in 2008, Mancini planned to cover the bathtub in resin so that it could be completely functional.

The purpose of installation is to express the purifying experience of learning. Beatrice M. writes:

The idea is of immersing oneself in knowledge, books, truths, and 'cleaning' or ‘purifying’ one's mind with from external, every day life bombarding from media, by reading ad reflecting on books,- ‘pure sources’, which is of course, metaphorical, implying we can become polluted by ideas of truths and knowledge, which we can only 'clean' by reading our way through to our own ideas and reflections. 

-via Toxel

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