Archive for January 3rd, 2015

Print and Signage Fails

But you may not be the best student | SourceWarning: the following photos could influence you to exhibit unusual behavior. You may be compelled to visit your elderly English teacher in her nursing home, drop to...

Dragons & Tattoos - Drawing - A Profile In Criminology

Dragons & Tattoos- Drawing by YiannisShe may look like a sketchy character, but when you're investigating crimes related to the darker side of life she's a valuable ally to have around. If you can look past the tatt...

The Five Oldest People in the World

Today, Bernice Madigan died peacefully at her home in Massachusetts. She was 115 years and 163 days old, which made her the fourth-oldest person in the world before her death. Madigan’s death leaves only five peopl...

Sleep Inside a "Boulder" in the Swiss Alps

Bureau A, a studio in Geneva, Switzerland, created what looks like a boulder on the outside, but is actually a cabin with just enough living space for one. Named "Antoine," the structure, designed to blend in perfectly w...

The Conan Pose: A Visual Trope That Appears Everywhere

This image by Earl Norem was the cover for a 1979 issue of the comic book The Savage Sword of Conan. Yeoman Lowbrow of the retro blog Flashbak refers to it as "the Conan Pose." Here, it shows Robert E. Howard's...

The 2014 Mug Shots Of The Year

The Smoking Gun has compiled their annual list of Mugshots of the Year. The overall “winner” was Robert Burt, whose cleverness was reported earlier here. However, the other 24 on the list are a sight to see....

Brody the French Bulldog Puppy is Tricked Out

[]YouTube LinkBrody Brixton the tiny, twelve-week-old French bulldog wants to show you a trick or two. More like a trick or six, tricks which he learned in only four days! Brod...

If Great Artists Took Selfies instead of Self-Portraits

Vincent van Gogh Self-portrait on canvas? That's a lot of work! What if the world's greatest painters discovered that taking selfies is much easier? In this tongue in cheek ad campai...

New Year's Resolution Posters

New Year's Resolution #10: Get offline New Year's Resolutions. Everyone's got them* ... for the next few weeks at least. But what if you could remind yourself every day of the promise that you made...

Jurassic Sweets

Alejo Malia, a creative director in Spain, speculated about what Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavors we could see inspired by the next Jurassic Park movie. The Tyrannosaurus Rex may try to eat you, but perhaps y...

Recycling Penicillin

When the first antibiotic, penicillin, was new, it was a very precious commodity. Pharmacologists had to grow an enormous amount of mold to produce even one dose. And considering World War II was raging, the need was eno...

New Laws That Take Effect in 2015

"It's the law" is a phrase uttered by authority figures everywhere. At times, laws can cause public controversy. Sometimes a lack of laws against certain acts can cause a furor when those acts are committed and condemned...

Green Ranger/Dragon Ranger - Play Us A Mighty Tune

Green Ranger / Dragon Ranger by Randy VerschuerenHe soars into battle as the mighty Green Ranger, but as soon as things get too tough to handle on his own he plays a little tune on his dagger and summons the Dragonzord,...

Lingerie Made from Recycled Christmas Trees

Have you taken down your Christmas tree yet? Someday, it may come back to you in this form. French fashion designer Sophie Young developed Do You Green, a line of lingerie made from Christmas trees. Her company chemicall...

Twelve Movies for the Next Twelve Months

Star Wars: The Force Awakens, while a highly anticipated film release in 2015, won't be the only title that will have fans flocking to theaters this year. There is Quentin Tarantino's The Hateful Eight,...

The Internet Bought Me a Cuddly Dinosaur

Steve Guntrip of Bournemouth, UK, became enamored of a stuffed toy he saw in a claw machine. It was a dinosaur called Mr. Dinosaur from the children’s show Peppa Pig. Over the next few months, he tried to...

Pixel: A Mesmerizing Dance and Light Show

Adrien Mondot and Claire Bardainne are artists and performers who developed Pixel, an amazing visual display incorporating both dance and light projected onto the stage and dancers. The 11 dancers involved in th...

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