Archive for December 30th, 2014

Spongebob in Flames: The New Year's Eve Effigy Burning in Ecuador

It’s a New Year’s Eve tradition in Ecuador (and other Central and South American countries) to burn effigies that are symbolic of the old year (“año viejo”). They range from simple family p...

Great Dane Tries to Fit into Tiny Bed

[](Video Link)The little dog bed is too small for him. It was probably too small for him even when he was a puppy. But that doesn't stop this huge Great Dane from trying to mash...

Artists Illustrate Their Memories Of Video Games Past

(Image Via Tim McDonagh)Playing a video game can have a profound effect on the gamer, and the extremely immersive nature of most modern games make gamers feel like they’re really visiting that virt...

The Panic Over Mammoth, Arizona

Earlier this month, the 911 operator in the small town of Mammoth, Arizona, was inundated with calls wanting to know what’s going on. An internet cry for help had been posted on reddit that told of mysterious death...

Record Breaking Wheel of Fortune Contestant Wins with 1-Letter Clue

[](Video Link)Matt DeSanto and his 2 competitors had a 3-word, 13-letter puzzle to solve. It was a character. There was one clue: a letter E at the end of the second word.DeSant...

Henri: Reigning Cat, and Dog

[] (YouTube link)Henri the Existential Cat lives a life filled with meaninglessness and ennui. What could possibly cheer him up? Maybe a new companion? Let’s see what happens when Henri&r...

10 Fabulous Decorations for Your Next NYE Party

The Neatorama corporate New Year's Eve party is lit with computer screens and decorated with little more than John's annoying 2015 blinking flash drive that plays the worst midi version of Auld LangSyne you've ever heard...

Dracarys! - A Baby Dragon's First Fiery Breath

Dracarys! by NarwenWhen the hatchlings reached an age where they were finally able to begin breathing fire the young throne seeker they called mother looked for a way to show them how to release the flame from within. S...

All-new Twaggies Episodes! Superman, Sandwiches and Bugs!

[] [] [] We've teamed up with Dailymotion and will be bringing you animated Twaggies cartoons each month. Today...

Taylor Swift's Greatest Moments Recreated with a Potato

These aren't two identical photos of Taylor Swift. On the left is a screenshot of the pop star from her music video for "Shake It Off." On the right is a potato dressed like Taylor Swift. The Australian website Scoopla c...

The Hits of 2014, Played with Household Items

[] (YouTube link)The music is nothing but sounds sampled from everyday items, plus many layers of Andrew Huang’s singing voice. The result is a medley of six hit songs of 2014, which you&...

Fantastic Bridges That Look Like They Lead To Another World

(Image Link)Crossing over a bridge doesn’t always make you feel like you're crossing over into a magical kingdom, but it must feel like that no matter where you’re headed when you cross over one of these *str...

Ugly Christmas Sweatshirt Winner

Congratulations to Neatoramanaut Heather who won our latest NeatoMail-exclusive Ugly Christmas Sweatshirt giveaway. She won NeatoShop T-shirt and sweatshirt of her choice. Previously: Star Wars Rebels Giveaway Wi...

This Luxurious Toilet Is At, Of All Places, A Gas Station

[](Video Link)YouTube user bigsmilenoteeth is really worked up at the beginning of the video as he introduces the most amazing toilet ever discovered at a gas station. My first...

Left at the Altar, What This Bride Did to Her Wedding Dress Was Amazing!

Photo: Elizabeth Hoard Photography Shelby Swink, 23, met the love of her life in college and got engaged. The couple started planning for their wedding ... "I poured my hea...

The Pintupi Nine

A family of Australian Aboriginal people lived all alone in the desert for decades, until 1984. The group, called the Pintupi Nine, were nomads roaming the Western Desert of Australia, cut off from not only white civiliz...

Mac Sabbath, The McDonald's Black Sabbath Cover Band

Do you feel your bowels clench (or loosen) with fear when you eat McDonald's food? There's something dark and unsettling about the clown and his gang of inhuman food items who insist that you eat, eat, eat all that he ha...

10 Strange Examples Of Celebrity Product Endorsement

(Image Link)Celebrities demand big money for their likeness when they're busy starring in movies and TV shows, but when their celebrity star has burned out advertising offers tend to dry up.Some celebs have integrity and...

Avalanche's Best Fighter - If Looks Could Kill

Avalanche's Best Fighter by Barrett BiggersFor Tifa looks are deceiving, and you'd better believe she lives up to her title as Avalanche's best fighter. She wasn't born to battle, but Tifa's heart has been tested on the...

I’m Telling On You

[] (YouTube link)C.J. Huffman came home from work and found this his roommate’s dog, Lilo, had chewed up her new bed. He didn’t yell or make a big deal, just had a serious talk with...

Anthony Hopkins Tried On Many Masks Before He Found The Lecter Look

The iconic bite mask worn by Anthony Hopkins in The Silence Of The Lambs fits him so well it looks like he brought it from home, but that’s ridiculous because he’s a gentleman and not some mask sport...

Slapped Silly

[]YouTube LinkYellow Labrador Retriever Jaden literally yet unintentionally bitch slaps his canine housemate Rosie while happily wagging his tail. Note to Rosie: it's never a g...

Ig® Nobel Limericks: Viagra, Rats, Flame

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research.(Image credit: Jeremy Noble)Ig Nobel Achievements distilled into limerick formby Martin Eiger, Improbable Research Limerick LaureateThe...

Our Deep, Dark Fears

Fran Krause, whose illustrations are shown here, asked people to share with him their most absurd fears so that he could illustrate them in a series he calls "Deep Dark Fears." Everyone has at least one: the flash o...

Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko Licking Its Eyeball

[](Video Link)The Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko (Uroplatus phantasticus) is an amazing creature. Leaving aside its religious practices (we don't judge here at Neatorama) it...

Judgment Date

Online dating sites are full of evil time-traveling robot assassins. Or, you wish they were, because that would make browsing through the profiles much more interesting. As it is, anytime you catch a potential date in a...

North Korea, South Korea: A Photographic Juxtaposition

Universities in North Korea (top photo) and South Korea North Korea and South Korea may be close geographically, but politically and culturally they are worlds apart. The communist, oppressive North Korea i...

The Hobbit Song: I Will Show You

[] (YouTube link)Glover produced “The Hobbit Song” by remixing sounds, effects, and dialogue samples from The Hobbit trilogy using Logic Pro X. The accompanying video is a...

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