Hamm For The Holidays by Hillary White
They say there's no place like home for the holidays, and celebrating the new year with friends and family is totally the way to go, but how ya gonna feed all those hungry folk? There's only one food that works for every occasion, and brings both charm and handsomosity to your festive mealtimes, and that food is the magical Hamm. When the Hamm comes to the table the meals will feel a bit more interesting, way sexier and you'll be talking about the night you brought a ham named John home and ate him all up!
People will go mad for your geeky style when they see you wearing this Hamm For The Holidays t-shirt by Hillary White, and looking down at that smilin' hunk o' meat will make you feel good!
Visit Hillary White's Facebook fan page, official website and Tumblr, then head on over to her NeatoShop for more deliciously geeky designs:
Myah | Watching You Precious | Supreme |
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