Ohio Town Officials Kill Nativity of the Undead

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Deer Park, Ohio, resident Jasen Dixon has been ordered by city officials to dismantle his holiday nativity display, which features zombies playing the traditional roles of everyone in the nativity scene, including a zombie baby Jesus.

Accused of being in breach of city regulations regarding structures in front or side yards, the percentage of area they should occupy and their distance from the street and the home, Dixon claims that the city is just picking bones with him due to the content of his display. He told the local Fox News affiliate,

 “I’ve lived here for 15 years and I’ve never had a violation of any kind. It’s a holiday decoration. I know if it was a real pretty nativity scene they wouldn’t be saying anything."

What do you think, readers?

Via Uproxx 

lol some old blue hair,scaredy child's parents or insert other miscreant with to much time on thar hands called too whine whine whine

to each his/her own when it comes to decorate one's house
it thar place let them do it how they want to
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