Archive for December 23rd, 2014

5 Movie Directors' Visual Styles Re-Created with Only Stock Footage

Who needs to shoot movies anymore now that we have stock footage? In this clever clip, Shutterstock created the look of five movie directors's visual styles using stock footage and music available in its library....

The Teletubbies Sun Baby Revealed

The baby whose face became the sun on the TV show Teletubbies has spilled her secret. Jess Smith was just nine months old when she was recorded giggling, laughing, and looking. She’s now 19 and a student a...

Functional Elliptical Trainer Made of Cardboard

Luanga Nuwame is a cardboard craftsman. He can make just about anything out of cardboard, including a Groot, a sundial, and a rocking chair.Nuwame's latest challenge is his most demanding. He built an articulated...

A Seriously Super Christmas Tree

I have a hard time just getting my Christmas tree straight in its container, but, of course, Superman has no such issues. Just look at this lovely little elf (better known as Dizzytrist on Reddit) beside her super Christ...

Little Known Facts About Holiday Songs

[]YouTube LinkMental Floss lists facts about popular holiday songs in this video. For instance, the voice that sang "you're a mean one, Mr. Grinch" was the same voice of Tony t...

11 Cheap and Easy Last Minute DIY Christmas Decorations

Christmas is right around the corner, but it's not too late to get decorating if you've fallen behind. Over on Homes and Hues, we rounded up 11 helpful ideas of great last minute Christmas decorations. From Christmas tre...

Sonic the Taxidermy Hedgehog

Sober Lane, a pub in Dublin, commissioned artist Mick Minogue to adorn its walls with taxidermied creatures. That will give it a quaint old fashioned look that people look for in an Irish pub.The owners are 80s and 90s k...

Launching Christmas Trees With a Slingshot

[] (YouTube link)Joerg Sprave of the Slingshot Channel has done some weird stuff, but this takes the fruitcake. Here he demonstrates “the Santa Slayer,” a slingshot designed to flin...

10 Interesting Inspirations Behind Famous Comic Book Villains

What is the connection between The Penguin and cigarettes? What about Doctor Doom and the Man in the Iron Mask? You just might be surprised by what you don't know about your favorite comic book villains and the inspirati...

How to Make a Bacon Christmas Tree

These days, people typically chop down evergreen trees to serve as their family Christmas trees. This is a modern convenience that is a substitute for the original practice: cooking and assembling a bacon tree*/s...

An Honest Trailer for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)

[] (YouTube link)Screen Junkies goes after a fairly recent movie, so you might want to avoid spoilers in this one. Maybe. There’s been a lot of criticism of the TMNT reboot, but...

If Luke Had Accepted Vader's Offer

At the end of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader famously offered his son, Luke Skywalker, the opportunity to jointly rule the Empire with him.(Or possibly in a triumvirate with Emperor Palpatine. I...

Ten Oddball Movies Starring Santa Claus

(Image Link)Santa is huggable and lovable, and one heck of a nice guy, but these ten films show a different side of Santa, bringing a touch of the bizarre to a world full of run-of-the-mill Christmas movies.1. Sa...

Smash Brawl - The Most Violent Video Game Crossover Ever

Smash Brawl by DooomcatThe Smash bros. Mario and Luigi run a totally clean operation, that is after they've sprayed all the Pac blood and Kirby goop off the walls of the battle arenas, but the extremely long waiting lis...

Batman Christmas Wreath

'Twas the night before ChristmasGotham slept without fright.No criminal lurkedThanks to the Dark Knight.If Afred Pennyworth decorates the Batcave for Christmas---let's admit that Bruce Wayne is not the sort to get into t...

Whodunit: Who Killed Santa Claus?

The following is a Whodunit by Hy Conrad.  These mysteries are from The Little Giant® Book of Whodunits by Hy Conrad and Matt LaFleur. Can you solve the mystery before you read the solution? (I...

Robin Williams and Ben Stiller Helped Costar Get Prom Date

[]YouTube LinkDuring the shoot for Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb in May, actor Skyler Gisondo, who played Ben Stiller's son, was missing the time of yea...

The Worst Book in the Harry Potter Series

(Photo: Hong-Anh Nguyen)J.K. Rowling acquired vast fame and wealth through the Harry Potter series. She published her last book in the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, in 2007. But, not letting it r...

The March of the Christmas Penguins

(Video Link)Having a little trouble getting into the Christmas spirit? Well, just dive in. After all, if even these adorable little penguins in South Korea are celebrating in style, what's your excuse? Chances are your u...

Chonosuke Okamura, Visionary

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Earle E. SpamerAcademy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaTime was, if one was interested in natural history he did it f...

Heroic Monkey Rescues Friend Electrocuted on Train Tracks

[](Video Link) Monkeys in Anpur, India crossed through a train station. One of them touched a power source, electrocuting him. He fell unconscious on the tracks.His friend,...

Redditor in a Quandary Over What to Buy Secret Santa Recipient

Redditor anti_climax is in a delicate position in the Secret Santa exchange held at his workplace. What to get that person whom he doesn't know beyond the exchange of vague office pleasantries? Sure, the recipi...

How Hand Sanitizer Works

(Image: Tom Casey and Eitan Sheena)The typical bottle of hand sanitizer will tell you that it kills 99.99% of the germs on your hands. Just slather it on.Science has advanced to the point in which it can kill 100% of ger...

Dads Dancing to “Uptown Funk”

[] (YouTube link)Some dads are excellent dancers; others, not so much. Either type can embarrass their kids by dancing, but you know what? None of that matters as long as he’s having a go...

Wrecking Ball - A Kaiju Smash Hit

Wrecking Ball by NaolitoGojira was making a comeback, and he wanted to show the world that he was no longer the innocent little kaiju he used to be, so he decided to come in for his grand reappearance atop a wrecking ba...

Kissing Teacup and Saucer

Johnson Tsang is an artist in Hong Kong noted for his amazing depictions of faces, especially kissing faces, in sculptures. Many of his works appear to be made of flowing liquid arrested in time.Continuing with his kissi...

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