How Adopting a Pig Changed One Couple's Lives

Canadian couple Steve Jenkins and Derek Walter adopted what they thought was a pygmy piglet and brought her to live with them. They named their pet Esther. Within two years, Esther grew to be a whopping 667 pounds! It was obvious that Esther wasn't a pygmy, but by the time they realized their mistake, the couple had grown to love her as a member of their family. They found her to be highly intelligent and good natured.

Steve and Derek's love for Esther changed their lives in more ways than one. It made them reconsider eating meat. They went from carnivores to vegans. The couple began to consider animals such a central part of their lives that they decided to start their own animal shelter. After raising over $400,000 on Indiegogo, they launched their operation. That Esther must be Some Pig! 

Follow the adventures of Esther and her humans on their website, and via social media on Facebook and Twitter. -Via Bored Panda


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