Disgruntled Customer Throws Snake at Restaurant Employee Who Refuses to Dice His Onions

(Photo: unrelated Tim Hortons via Peter Broster)

Meanwhile, in Canada, a Tim Hortons customer in Sasktatoon has trying to address a serious defect in his breakfast order. He wanted the onions on his sandwich diced. No, sliced or chopped was not enough. They must be diced. When the restaurant employee refused to comply, the customer quite rightly responded by throwing a snake at him. The National Post reports:

Staff told police that two male customers were arguing with an employee about their breakfast order – specifically that they wanted their onions diced. When the argument escalated, one of the men reached into the pocket of the other man, pulled out a garter snake and threw it behind the counter.

And for this fairly bland response to outrageously bad customer service, local police arrested the men!

The two men, both 20, are facing charges of mischief and causing a disturbance.

That’s a Tim Hortons that I definitely won’t visit in the future.

-via @library_cait

John Farrier, underpaid and overworked employees are NOT slaves. I find your article to be an insult for every underpaid worker in this country! If I don't have to cross you in any Tim Hortons, I say good riddance!

FYI, I am not an underpaid worker in any way. As a professional, I would never ask an employee to do something they are not obligated to do.
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