The fifth Terminator movie Terminator: Genisys marks the return of Arnold Schwarzenegger to the franchise. It is a retelling of the events of the first film surrounding Sarah Conner, now rendered in a parallel timeline that has been altered by other time travelers the principles weren’t aware of when they set things in motion. You can’t really call it a reboot, since it is a different story, just set in the same time, and believably connected to the original timeline by the weird but familiar temporal distortions the story is based on …except for a few pesky things like the actors being different and Arnold being 30 years older. The movie could be either a shot in the arm for the franchise, or as terrible as our worst fears. Either way, we have to wait until next summer to see it. -via Gamma Squad
Yis, thys ys thi shyt!
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I hear they are already working on the sequel to this: Terminator: Exidys.
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