Archive for December 2nd, 2014

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation Quotes People Still Repeat 25 Years Later

[]YouTube Link“Can I refill your eggnog for you? Get you something to eat? Drive you into the middle of nowhere and leave you for dead?” ...

Changing the Law to Match the Mistake on the Sign

If you don’t clean up your dog’s poop in North Hempstead, a community on Long Island, New York, you’ll face the possibility of a fine or imprisonment. But how much is the fine? The law says the fine is...

What Places from Stand by Me Look Like Now

The landmark film Stand by Me, an adaptation of a Stephen King novella, was shot in Oregon and northern California. Then & Now Movie Locations, a blog devoted to showing current images of places where i...

Flying For Freedom - Soaring Towards Their Destiny

Flying For Freedom by Dr. MonekersThey believed they could fly in the face of impending doom and reverse the tide of their fortune, like artists retouching a painting with their brushes they would slice, hack and chop t...

Creative DIY Christmas Trees

"Floating Christmas tree" | Image: weallwantrichesI took a particular interest in this collection of DIY-Christmas trees because my 11-year-old artificial tree officially died when I tried to erect it this...

Building Curiosity

[] (YouTube link)PBS Digital Studios put together a tribute to the Mars Curiosity rover illustrated with a LEGO build and narrated with inspirational quotes from some very prominent scientists...

Man Wears Heart Rate Monitor While Proposing to His Girlfriend

See that spike on the right side? That's when he popped the question. You can view a much larger version of the chart, which includes helpful annotations about the evening's events, here.Redditor sesipik...

An Honest Trailer for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

[] (YouTube link)Just as Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is going to home video, Screen Junkies gives us the Honest Trailer for it. If you haven’t seen the film yet, this contains...

Stephen Hawking Wants to Be a Villain in the Next James Bond Movie

(Photo: Lwp Kommunikáció)Yes, he's a physicist. But that's just a side hustle. Prof. Stephen Hawking has already appeared on Star Trek: The Next Generation and The Big Bang Theory. Now he'...

Sybil and the Debate Over Multiple Personality Disorder

[] (YouTube link)If you read The Three Faces of Eve or Sybil, you are familiar with Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). Both books were based on real patients. The syndrome b...

African King Reigns Via Skype From Germany

Gather 'round for a story of an African royal lineage. In 1987, the reigning king of the Hohoe tribe— a father of a son and grandfather of two boys — died after naming his youngest grandson as his s...

Krampusfest Gets a European Hand

The Los Angeles Cacophony Society held its first Krampusfest last year, and are hoping to stage an even bigger and better celebration this year. To that end, they have enlisted the help of Austrian “part-time Kramp...

Tis The Season For These Geeky Christmas Themed T-Shirts

Aaaaah, the holidays are here, and the chill in the air means days of food, family and fun are just around the corner. There's something special about the holiday season, and that special thing is called Christmas!Get ge...

20 TV Theme Songs in 2 Minutes

[] (YouTube link)We’ve seen plenty of TV theme medleys, but usually when there are this many, they are played as fast as possible, one after another. Daniel Koren does it differently, ble...

Games Of Christmas Past - Console Comfort

Games of Christmas Past by Retro ReviewChristmas time is always a good time for gamers, because we get new games both good and bad as gifts and get to play our hearts out all through the holiday season. Back in the day...

Star Wars: The Force Awakens, The Meme

"Sith Army Knife" | Image: BillyElNinoAfter the trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens was released, the excitement for some fans was not to be contained. These fans channeled their enthusia...

Ten Of The Funniest Video Game Mashup Shorts Ever Made

Video games are already pretty awesome, but what happens when they get mashed up with another video game or pop culture franchise? You get ten times the awesome in the form of a video that's super fun to watch and would...

Pac-Man X-Ray

Amazingly, this picture was made with cans of spray paint. The artist, SHOK-1, is noted for his gift for creating subtle shades and precise forms in that medium. He calls this work “The Consumer.”With this ta...

Time Trap

[] (YouTube link)A space traveler of the future has a malfunction and must land on earth. Although no one is left to greet him, he has a “time trap,” a device which allows him to lo...

Seven of the Most Beautiful Fox Species in the World

Arctic Fox | Image: William DoranRecently, Neatorama featured a remarkable collection of fox photographs shot by Russian miner Ivan Kislov on his work breaks. Kislov shared that, while he took photos o...

Pre-Blonsky, Post-Blonsky, and Non-Blonsky Devices

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Alice Shirrell Kaswell, Improbable Research staffThe Blonsky centrifugal-force birthing device has proved an inspiration for many people for...

Teaching US History through Star Trek

(Photo: SDSU News Center)Dr. John Putnam is a professor of history at San Diego State University. He teaches an unusual American history course. HIST 557, which is titled “Star Trek, Culture, and History,&...

Waistline Warning: Girl Scout Cookies to be Available for Online Purchase

The Girl Scouts of America will be offering online and digital cookie sales for the upcoming fundraising season, the sales of which will begin in 40 days. Now us cookie-lovin' fools aren't even required to rise and...

16 Holiday Life Hacks

[] (YouTube link)The mental_floss List Show hit the internet early this week -and it’s a good thing,because you can use some of the tips in this list. Others, not so much. John Green test...

Man Uses World's Largest GPS Drawing to Propose to His Girlfriend

Yasushi Takahashi is a Japanese artist known as Yassan. In 2010, he quit his job, telling people that he would spend a few months traveling across the country. What he was actually doing was proposing marriage to...

The Real 3 Wise Men - Listen To Them You Must

The Real 3 Wise Men by Kellabell9Forget about those other three wise men from that really popular old book, these three wise senseis have wisdom based on experience and epic adventures to share with their chosen teenage...

The 32 Best Animal Vines Of 2014

Emergency! Call the fire department! These adorable dachshunds are on the ball, even if the truck doesn’t quite clear the doorway. This is just one of 32 Vines featuring dogs, cats, llamas, squirrels, pigs, goats,...

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