A Visual Guide to All 37 Villains in the Batman TV Series

Although I haven’t watched the show since I was a kid, I thought I remembered the Batman TV series perfectly, because I never missed an episode. It is not so. I was very young then. I recall many of the villains that the Caped Crusader and the Boy Wonder fought, but there are 37 of them in a list at mental_floss that are just now starting to come back in my memory. Also, since I was so young, I did not realize how many of the actors portraying those parts were already well-known celebrities. I yeah, I knew about Cesar Romero and Earth Kitt, but I did not know that director Otto Preminger played Mr. Freeze in two episodes. Nor did I realize that Anne Baxter played two different villains. Wait, there was both a Riddler and a Puzzler? There’s a lot more trivia in this Visual Guide to All 37 Villains that you’ll enjoy.

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