Unusual Foods From Around the World

Casu Marzu, found mostly in Sardinia and Corsica, is a cheese infested with maggots, which are capable of jumping up to half a foot when disturbed

This grouping of foods from countries all over the globe is not only unusual, but in quite a few instances, I daresay it's downright disgusting. Fried spiders, rotten eggs, larvae-infested cheese, roasted guinea pigs... these are things I can't conceive of getting close to, much less eating. Of course, one woman's disgust is another's delicacy. If such treats have an enthusiastic market in some parts of the world, I shouldn't be one to judge. In fact, there's a epicurean adventurer and writer right here at Neatorama who just might have an open mind enough to sample some of these treats. *cough* Farrier *cough* 

See more of the world's unusual snack foods here.  

Salted, candied baby crabs from Japan

Buttery tasting, Mexican soup with the consistency of cottage cheese, made with ant larvae

Roasted guinea pig, served in Peru

"Cake pops" made with pigs' blood and rice, served in Taiwan

I got thrown off Yahoo Answers for saying you could eat guinea pigs. Some kid asked what they could do wiht theirs and I said "You could eat it." and posted a link to the Wikipedia page. Nothing impolite, nothing offensive - but after some years of helpful answers, that got me kicked off. Appeals fell of deaf ears.
Silly sods.
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