Archive for November 17th, 2014

Fluid Dynamics Simulator

George Corney built a fluid dynamics simulator that makes for a beautiful web toy. Just run your cursor across it, as you’d run your finger trough a tray filled with liquid. You can change some par...

Pedestrians Lift a Car off a Woman

[](Video Link)A woman riding on a scooter in Zhejiang Province, China, was struck by a car at an intersection. As you can see in this video, the car ran over her. A police office...

WORM UNIVERSE - Earthworms Can Be Heroes Too

WORM UNIVERSE by ALIENBIKER23The day that robotic super suit fell from the sky was the day Jim's life changed forever. He no longer had to settle for being an ordinary earthworm, since his squirmy little life of digging...

The Talking Cat

The things you do when you think you're all alone? Your cat sees all, knows all. Their redeeming factor is that they don’t speak human languages, so your secrets are safe …for now. If that ever changes, you...

3-Legged Cat Scratches an Itch

[](Video Link)Refurb the cat is missing a hind leg--one that a cat might normally use to scratch her neck. That doesn't stop her from trying, though! Her phantom limb does the jo...

Ten Words That Started Out as Errors

Mental Floss put together a list of commonly used English words that initially were errors. One example is the word "tornado." It originated from the Spanish word "tronada," meaning "thunderstorm." The second and third l...

Mike Kravanis’s Adorable Pop Culture Bentos

(Luke Skywalker and the Death Star from Star Wars)Master bento artist Mike Kravanis can recreate any scene from your favorite cartoons and movies—and do so with a flair that will make you laugh! I esp...

Senior Citizens Dancing to “Turn Down for What”

[] (YouTube link)As a counterpart to the supercut of Kids Dancing to Taylor Swift's “Shake It Off,” Robert Jones has compiled a video of older people dancing, this time to “Tu...

How to Reduce Football Concussions with Magnetic Helmets

(Photo: AJ Guel)It's basic science: magnets with similar poles repel each other. So to reduce concussion injuries in football, install magnets in football helmets. When 2 players collide, the magnetic push will help soft...

Horse Learns About Water

This is just adorable. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. However, you can make the water look good to the horse if you use your noggin. Anna Paterek’s horse Magic was apprehensive about w...

A Rainbow of Carrot Colors

(Photo: Stephen Ausmus/US Department of Agriculture)Carrots are not naturally orange. We see orange carrots often simply because some varieties have been bred that way.In 2004, the Agricultural Research Service, a divisi...

2001: A Remix

[] (YouTube link)The 1968 movie 2001: A Space Odyssey gets a kaleidoscopic techno remix by Eclectic Method.This mix contains almost every scientific prediction in the film mixed with t...

Photographer Documents Modern Witchcraft

Alice Smeets describes herself via her website as a "Photographer. Journalist. Filmmaker. Artist. Wedding photojournalist. Project Manager. Teacher. Traveler." She studied under a photojournalist as his assistant, a...

Tips for Watching the 2014 Leonid Meteor Shower Tonight

The annual Leonid Meteor Shower is taking place most of the month of November, but peak activity, with around 15 visible meteors an hour, will be tonight between midnight and daylight Tuesday morning.The...

Kitten Mittons - Keep Your Paws Off My Stuff, Mac!

Kitten Mittons by Grady GraphicsAre you looking for the perfect holiday gift for your cat but don't have time to go shopping at Philadelphia's many animal stores or looking for stuff out around other people? Then you sh...

Heat Your Home with Someone Else's Computer

(Photo: Simply Saxony)Servers can get hot, so data centers generate a huge amount of heat. If left unharvested, that energy goes to waste. That's why some companies are marketing systems that will let you heat your own h...

The Top 50 Video Games Of All Time, Ranked

If you want to provoke an argument, just try to tell someone that their favorite video game didn’t make the top 50. Business Insider took that chance, and presents a ranked list.We did have some pa...

Library Will Digitize 10,000 Classic Sci-Fi Fanzines

(Photo: University of Iowa Libraries and Special Collections)In 2011, James L. "Rusty" Hevelin bequeathed his collection of approximately 10,000 science fiction fanzines to the University of Iowa. It is a treasure trove...

Whodunit: A Quali-Tee Theft

The following is a Whodunit by Hy Conrad.  These mysteries are from The Little Giant® Book of Whodunits by Hy Conrad and Matt LaFleur. Can you solve the mystery before you read the solution? *e...

Toddlers as Seniors

Photographer Zachary Scott shot this series of children transformed into seniors with the help of makeup, prosthetics, and added effects in post processing. Scott's photos were used in a *stron...

How to Pronounce Worcestershire Sauce

[] (YouTube link)Italian chef Pasquale Sciarappa speaks English much better than I speak Italian, but his struggle with the pronunciation of Worcestershire sauce is priceless. The sauce is name...

Steel Beach--When US Navy Ships Throw Giant Beach Parties

(Photos: US Navy)Life on a ship of the United States Navy is busy. The sailors and Marines have a lot of work to do, even when far away from combat zones. But sometimes, the crew takes a day off to enjoy the pleasures of...

Why the Pilgrims Came to America

The following is an article from Uncle John's Curiously Compelling Bathroom Reader.  This article started off as a short list of facts about the Mayflower, the ship that brought the Pilgrims to...

The Magnifying Spoon Lets You See How Your Enemies Secretly Contaminated Your Food

What did they put into your food?"They"? Yes, you know: them. Your enemies.You can make yourself safer by preparing your own food. But if you eat out, then you can't be sure that they didn't add a their...

Incredibly Realistic Paintings by Jason De Graaf

I would have thought these gorgeous acrylic paintings by artist Jason De Graaf were photographs if I hadn't read the text that accompanied these images. He says via his website,"My paintings are about stagi...

Dog Hitches Ride on Ambulance to Follow His Owner

J.R. Nicholson, 85, is a rancher in Mason County, Texas. Last week, he suddenly experienced chest pains. Brian Wright, one of his ranch hands, summoned an ambulance. The ambulance crew drove him toward a hospital in Fred...

Australian and American Words

[] (YouTube link)You’ve heard it said that the U.S. and England are two countries divided by a common language. You can says that the U.S. and Australia are divided by a common language *...

A Nightmare On Pool Street - The Merc With A Mouth Of Madness

A Nightmare On Pool Street by Dr. MonekersWade wasn't sure what to make of the nightmarish realm he found himself trapped within after battling that mind screwing bastard Mentallo, especially because his new Freddy outf...

Daycare Auctioning off a Vasectomy

(Photo: Kent Blechynden)It's not a good idea for future business, right? But the managers of the Island Bay Playcentre in Wellington, New Zealand think that auctioning off a vasectomy will help raise money right now.The...

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