Some mothers in Japan make creative bento lunches for their children every day -and they make them for their husbands, too. Every once in a while, married people are not on the best of terms with each other. A woman who gets up to make bento for a man she is angry with may make a lunch that differs from the usual creative, lovingly-packed lunch. The blog IroMegane collected some examples of Shikaeshi Bento (仕返し弁当) or “revenge lunchbox,” for which you can imagine a salaryman opening his lunch in front of his co-workers and finding out exactly how angry his wife is with him.
Some have snarky sayings cut from seaweed, in Japanese, so you have to read the captions. Some are illustrated, like the cockroaches at the top. Others are just difficult, like the corn. All he has to eat it with is chopsticks! See more of these at IroMegane. -via Metafilter
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