Here’s a story that quite resembles the movie The Parent Trap, except that the parents aren’t really involved. French fashion designer Anais Bordier, who is studying in London, was shown a video of Samantha Futerman, an American actress who resembled her. Then things got weird. Bordier wrote to Futerman at Facebook.
My name is Anaïs, I am french and live in London,
About 2 months ago, my friend was watching one of your videos with Kevjumba on youtube, and he saw you and thought that we looked really very similar...
like... VERY REALLY SIMILAR...we were making jokes about it etc. (I'm always being violent with people and hitting them too hahaha)
Today, he saw the trailer of 21 & over and told me he saw you again, I then checked your name on the cast, stalked you A BIT, and found out you were born the 19th of november 1987.
I checked more of your videos (which are hilarious) and then came upon how it feels to be adopted'... and discovered you were adopted too.
So..I don't want to be too Linday Lohan, to put it..I was wondering where you were born?
I was born on the 19th of November 1987, in Busan but my papers were made at the Holt Chuldren's Institute, so "officially" I was born in Seoul. My korean name is Kim Eunwha. I arrived in France the 5th March 1988, so 3 months later.
You can check my facebook if you want to check the pictures and videos. It's more obvious on videos...
Let me know...don't freak out...
Lots of love
The two women met in London, and have since traveled to Korea together and met each other’s families. They wrote a book called Separated @ Birth: A True Love Story of Twin Sisters Reunited, and are working on a documentary called Twinsters. See a video news report on the twins at CNN. -via Metafilter
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