Archive for November 8th, 2014

Clet Abraham’s Street Signs

Via viaA photo posted by Clet A (@cletabraham) on Sep 9, 2014 at 12:55am PDT Anecleto “Clet” Abraham is a French artist living in Italy who decorates street signs with stickers all over Europe, a...

Amari - The Cosmic Choice For Console Of The Year

Amari by Gordon Brebner DesignsWhen the King of all Cosmos comes home from a long day of bossing his son around and watching him create crazy katamaris the King likes to unwind with his favorite video game console- the...

What It's Like To Walk Around Skyrim As A Woman For 10 Hours

(Image Link)We recently featured the story of actress Shoshana Roberts, who walked around Manhattan with a hidden camera and recorded all the street harassment she encountered, but that video was full of modern street be...

Fourteen Delicious Facts About Krispy Kreme

Ah, Krispy Kreme. Have you ever fallen prey to the sweet smell of their doughnuts? Or had a craving for a warm one fresh from the shop? I know I've been on the weak end of a "mind vs. Krispy Kreme" situation. They just s...

Saving a Cat up a Tree in Russia

[] (YouTube link)There’s a cat stuck in a very tall but not too sturdy tree somewhere in Russia. A crowd gathers, offering plenty of advice about what to do. What they end up doing is a l...

Celebrate The Greatest Season Of All With These T-Shirts Inspired By Fall

There's finally a chill in the air, and the holiday season is fast approaching- congratulations everybody!We made it to fall 2014, so let's celebrate summer officially ending with some fun fall themed shirts from the Nea...

Doritos-Flavored Mountain Dew

(Photo: Steve Barnes)Doritos and Mountain Dew naturally belong together. When combined, they form the main fuel of the human body. We've previously seen them combined in cupcakes. But that was unofficial and unsponsored...

The Embarassing Hairstyles Of Our Youth

(Image Link)It seems like everyone has one thing in common when it comes to our childhoods- embarrassment.Either we felt embarrassed as a kid, feel embarrassed looking at pictures of ourselves as kids, or a totally awkwa...

This Man Can Balance Anything Perfectly

Rocky Byun, a wizard and performance artist, can balance any object on any other object. In performances, he commonly balances heavy objects precariously on rocks, such as a washing machine on a corner or a motorbike on...

The Rules of a Wife Carrying Competition

(Photo: Visit Lakeland)Wife carrying is an old sport in Finland and Estonia derived from a rather aggressive dating practice that has fallen out of favor in modern times: grab a woman, toss her over your shoulder, and ca...

Parents Who Have Mastered The Art Of Trolling Their Kids

Family members really know how to get under each other’s skin, a trolling skill picked up by spending way too much time together under the same roof. (Image Link)However, properly pushing a family member&rsquo...

The Further Adventures of Rambro

[]YouTube LinkYou may remember Rambro the Angry Ram, who was saved by a man in Nelson, New Zealand when a local was planning to kill him due to his aggression. If your memory n...

Protect Ya Neck! - Humans Can Be A Real Pain

Protect Ya Neck! by CoDDesignsWhen you're tearing down walls better come correct, Watch for humans on your back and protect ya neck! If a Scout starts flying better hit the deck, and if you wanna live best protect ya ne...

Getting Paid

Welcome to the world of work. My kid spent most of the summer working as a nanny, and was amazed at the “huge” amount of money she ended up with. She bought school clothes, a couple of tanks of gas, and a few...

Adjust the Brightness of This Lamp by Lowering It into the Well

Štefan Nosko and Katarína Beličková are consumer product designers in Bratislava, Slovakia. They call this lamp Well. You can control the brightness of the lamp by using it like an...

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