Only 1 College in the United States Offers a Bagpiping Major

(Photo of a Chicago PD piper by Jamie McCaffrey)

If you want to gauge the sorry state of higher education in the United States, this statistic tells you everything you need to know: there is only 1 college in the entire country that offers bagpiping as an undergraduate major.

That college is Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. The instrumental performance Bachelor of Fine Arts program includes a bagpiping option. Standing alone in the breach is one man: Professor Andrew Carlisle. He teaches the bagpiping classes as well as supervises the three or so students majoring in that noble instrument at Carnegie Mellon. Carlisle teaches them in a designated bagpipe room, which is soundproofed for reasons that I do not understand.

-via Marilyn Terrell, who enjoys depressing me.

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Pittsburgh, eh? Funny, I would have thought it would have been someplace in Dearborn, Michigan that would have been doing the honors... I remember we had friends who were from Scotland that were very involved in a bagpipe marching band there.
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