Neill Blomkamp’s Chappie

(YouTube link)

Neill Blomkamp, the filmmaker who brought us District 9 and Elysium, has a new feature film coming out next year. Chappie is a robot who can learn to think on his own, and he becomes the kind of robot that everyone loves, except, of course, for the bad guys. The story seems to be a touching modern combination of Pinocchio and Short Circuit. Chappie stars Hugh Jackman, Sigourney Weaver, and Die Antwoord’s Ninja and Yolandi Visser. It is scheduled to hits theaters in March. -via The A.V. Club    

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These things are going to be so loaded with OnStars and Siris and Cloud-connected data uploads and GPS and 50 people remotely monitoring their every move that any idea that an AI robot going to be 'alone' or 'in the company of just one or two others' is a quaint plot point.
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