Archive for November 5th, 2014

Squirrel and Cat Are Best Friends

[](Video Link)The parents of YouTube user Hmeskens had a pet baby squirrel. When he grew up, he ran away to live in the wild. But ihe occasionally visits to play with his childho...

Bill Watterson’s New Comic

Blogje over de origineel van Bill -"Calvin & Hobbes"- Watterson die in Frankrijk is opgedoken:— Fokke & Sukke (@fokkesukke) November 5, 2014 Bill Watterson...

Only 1 College in the United States Offers a Bagpiping Major

(Photo of a Chicago PD piper by Jamie McCaffrey)If you want to gauge the sorry state of higher education in the United States, this statistic tells you everything you need to know: there is only 1 college in the entire c...

23 Money Tips for Any Occasion

[] (YouTube link)In this week’s mental_floss List Show, John Green has some very diverse and sundry tips concerning your money. And that’s something we all care about! I have to won...

The Hamster Bartender

. . . and the bartender says, "Why the long face?"Well, maybe not at this bar. Twitter user @kawanabesatou makes tiny living rooms, kitchens, and bars for his hamsters and photographs them at work. Bartendi...

Nick Cage Rear Window Wiper

Redditor senekafalls commissioned the creation of this, the world's greatest car window sticker. Car Stickers did the actual work, but it was senekafalls's idea--and a brilliant one at that. S/he says that it's printed o...

Bailey the Golden Retriever Is the Canine Darling of the Internet

Bailey, a Golden Retriever, is convinced that she’s a human! She adopts convincing human poses. It’s just an act, though. She doesn’t actually know what she’s doing. Notice that t...

Freddy Fazbear's Pizza - Five Nights Of Fun!

Freddy Fazbear's Pizza by NinjainkCome to Freddy Fazbear's for the animatronic entertainment and stay for the good food and fun games, but don't stay too wouldn't want Freddy catching you in his restaurant af...

Skeletor's Best Insults

[] (YouTube link)The master trash-talker of the 1980s wasn’t a sports figure or even a politician -it was Skeletor, the eternal antagonist of He-Man and the Master of the Universe*/em...

Stories of Performers in "Freak Shows" of the Past

Tragically, people with deformities, biological abnormalities and other variances from the norm were often bought, sold and exhibited in "freak shows" or circus sideshows. The popularity of this practice first took off i...

Lobster Diving

[] (YouTube link)I never knew lobster diving was a thing. It’s a bit like noodling -you catch them with your hands! Rick Coleman is an experienced lobster diver, but his wife Susie had ne...

Movie Title Typos, Amusingly Illustrated

"Pup Fiction"Self-described "writer, illustrator, designer and geek" Austin Light decided to have some fun with Reddit. Light collected the movie title typos of Redditors for the month of October and made these clever dr...

The American Monument to an Enemy Spy

(Photo: Rolf Müller)In the village of Tappan in Rockland County, New York, there is a circular plot of ground dedicated to the memory of Major John André, a British Army officer whom General George Wa...

Cutout Ralph Cake

Cake designer Kylie Mangles challenged herself to do something new and different with cake that she’d never done before. She selected an image of Ralph Wiggum from The Simpsons by Erick Flores called Cutou...

"Never Ending" Olive Garden

[]YouTube LinkA Burlington, North Carolina Olive Garden restaurant has had a constant companion since Alan Martin, a minister and father of two, purchased their "Never Ending P...

Rock ’N’ Roll Zoo

Freelance illustrator Tracy Worral and the Dorothy art collective have produced a series called Rock ’N’ Roll Zoo. The print is a collection of 77 animals from songs or other rock ’n&rs...

NeatoShop: Buy 3 Get 1 Free Sale

w00t! It's sale time over at the NeatoShop: For every 3 shirts you buy, you'll get one shirt of equal or lesser value FREE. It's simple: just put 4 items in your shopping cart to view the discount (it's like 25%...

Baby Rewarded for Her First Crawl

[]YouTube LinkAccording to daddy Don Swift, he was shooting video of his baby learning to crawl when his black Labrador retriever gave her an extra reward for her efforts. A do...

Alice's Fall - I Wonder When I'll Land?

Alice's Fall by Kellabell9Even though Alice was falling down a seemingly never ending rabbit hole at an alarming rate she couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of her surroundings. The walls were full of vibrant textu...

Donkey Stuck in Manhole: Let the Puns Begin

When you don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground, they can get mixed up. In Pratteln, Switzerland, that is exactly what happened when a 13-year-old donkey named Nilo fell down a manhole early Saturday...

This Firepit Doesn't Take Up Space While Not in Use

The problem with most fire pits is that when you aren't using them, they take up a lot of space. The clunky designs are nice to have, but they're hardly handy when your kids want to run in the yard. This cool Hole Fire P...

Their Favorite Foods

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.Elvis Presley's favorite ice cream flavor was vanilla.J...

Sophia Loren Reveals True Story Behind Famous Side Eyes Photo

There’s a famous photo from the Golden Age of Hollywood that features actress Sophia Loren giving blonde bombshell Jayne Mansfield’s abundant cleavage some rather disapproving side eyes:(Image Via Rex Feature...

Your Cat Is Judging You

[] (YouTube link)You know it's true. Your cat has high standards that you'll never live up to. But take comfort in the fact that every other house cat is judging their person the same way. -via...

Japanese Snow Monkey Swipes Tourist's Phone

This amusing capture by acclaimed Dutch photographer Marsel van Oosten shows a Japanese snow monkey (also known as a Japanese macaque) who mischieviously stole a tourist's iPhone at the Jigokudani Monkey Park i...

New Acoustic Instrument Sounds Like a Digital Synthesizer

The yaybahar sounds like an electronic synthesizer, but it’s a completely acoustic instrument that uses only drum-like membranes, strings, mallets, and bows. When its inventor, Görkem Şen, plays it, the yayba...

Neill Blomkamp’s Chappie

[] (YouTube link)Neill Blomkamp, the filmmaker who brought us District 9 and Elysium, has a new feature film coming out next year. Chappie is a robot who can learn to...

20 Things You Might Not Know about Garfield

Garfield the cat has appeared in movies, television shows, and, most importantly, comic strips since 1978. Scott Neumyer of Mental Floss rounded up 20 fun facts about the long-lived cat.For example, cart...

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