Archive for October 31st, 2014

Whatever Happened to the Cast of The Blair Witch Project?

Can you believe it's been 15 years since The Blair Witch Project came out in theaters? It seems to be a "love it or hate it" kind of movie. I've heard and read a lot of comments over the years from those who hat...

Angelic Halos for Blind Dogs

(Photo: Muffin’s Halo for Blind Dogs)Two years ago, Muffin Bordeaux, a toy poodle, went blind. He stumbled around, bumping into hard objects and hurting himself. He was depressed and increasingly immobile. So his o...

New Video By Flying Lotus is All Manner of Horrifying

[]YouTube LinkThis new video by Los Angeles musician and rapper Flying Lotus is the stuff of Halloween nightmares. Animated by David Firth, this NSFW video full of twisted images, violence and...

20 Bizarre Hearses You’d Want to Be Caught Dead in

Zachary Byron Helm’s Funker Hearse, like any proper hearse, has a flamethrower.Tanks-Alot’s Tank HearseWhen it’s your time to go, go out in style.  Make sure that your funeral procession is a memor...

NASA’s Annual Pumpkin Carving Contest

[] (YouTube link)Carving a Jack-o-Lantern isn’t rocket science -unless you make it so! NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has a pumpkin carving competition every year in which their b...

Terrifying Double-Faced Makeup

Does looking at her face make you feel dizzy or frightened? Either way, you should be impressed by redditor AllonsoAllonsy’s duplicating makeup job. She writes that she’s managed to startle some people with i...

Nighttime Doctor - The Tenth At Half Past Ten

Nighttime Doctor by Cheeky DesignsThe tenth Doctor liked to throw on his 3D glasses and wander around the city at night, so he could get some serious thinking done. The moonlight glow made everything seem so clear, and...

Halloween: A Timeline

The anticipation is much greater than the actual event. It is so true! I’ve been writing about Halloween for a month now, and when the day comes, I overslept and don’t even have time to find my witch hat befo...

This Bicycle Has Wheels Made of Ice

Colin Furze is the insane British inventor who makes vehicles that you’ve never heard of, but we all need. For example, he souped up a mobility scooter so that it goes 50 miles an hour. He also added rockets to a b...

Levitating Pumpkin

[] (YouTube link)Watch a cute little Jack-o-Lentern hover in the air and speed around a track while oozing mist behind him! You don't have time to prepare this stunt yourself for Halloween, but...

Animals Enjoying Pumpkins

Image: Zoo Vienna Schönbrunn We humans aren't the only ones who like to consume and play with pumpkins when October hits. These animals find pumpkins both fun and delicious in their various zoo homes all o...

House For Sale Comes with Embedded Pipe Organ

Bill Tufts always wanted a pipe organ and had one installed in his home in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Tufts recently passed away, and the home is for sale, with the organ and its 2300 pipes. By the kitchen...

Terrifying Campfire Tales About Bill Murray

This Halloween people will be sitting around campfires telling scary stories, but those stories won't be about boogeymen or hook handed killers, they'll be about a different kind of fiend- the eccentric entertainer.They...

Souvenir Magnets from Fictional Places

You’ve visited many wonderful places in your imagination: Oz, Gotham City, Jurassic Park, King’s Landing, Neverland… but the magnets on your refrigerator say Martha’s Vineyard and Nashville. *str...

Emergency Response Drone Has a Defibrillator

(UT Delft)Alec Momont, a recent engineering graduate at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, developed this brilliant use for aerial drones. He envisions it as an emergency response tool for car...

Amazing Alien Queen Cosplay Complete With DIY Instructions

You may have seen Xenomorph costumes before- they usually consist of a tight fitting body suit and some kind of foam rubber head/mask, but you’ve never seen an alien suit as frightfully fancy as this!This regal ali...

Pop Culture Heroes Frozen in Chocolate-Carbonite

Han Solo doesn't have to be alone while on display in Jabba's palace. Now, thanks to food photographer Henry Hargeaves, he'll have plenty of company. Jabba's Bounty imagines what would happen if Jabba th...

Why So Serious? - Everybody Loves A Clown Prince Of Crime

Why So Serious? by DonnieWhen life starts to get you down, and your face begins wearing a frown, the best thing to do is take a tip from a clown and make yourself smile with a night on the town. Life is too short to tak...

Halloween Short Film: Suckablood

[](YouTube Link)Suckablood is a short film that plays out like a fairy tale crossed with an "old wive's tale" as if it were imagined by Stephen King and...

Old Tractor Turned into a Kitchen Bar

It's unfortunate that I can't find the craftsman responsible because I'd like to congratulate him/her on such an outstanding job. The hood of an old Massey Ferguson tractor is now a kitchen table that combines both cosmo...

How Tattoo Removal Works

[] (YouTube link)Last month, we had an up-close look at the process of tattooing. Now Smarter Every day brings us the next step- laser tattoo removal. Of course, you can skip this part -and I h...

Why Are Witches Depicted With Green Skin?

Witches are typically depicted with green skin in pop culture, like their research into the occult arts has resulted in some sort of strange mossy skin condition.Most of the time it adds to their creepiness, and makes th...

Fifteen Everyday Products Invented by Accident

[]YouTube LinkWho doesn't love anesthesia when faced with time spent on the hospital surgery unit where painful punctures will be made to our person? Then, anesthesia is our BF...

Thirty Fun Facts About Pee-Wee And His Playhouse

Come on in and pull yourself up a chair (which probably isn’t as cool or fun to be around as Chairy), and we’ll tell you a tale of a man named Pee-Wee Herman and his amazing Playhouse. Growing up in the...

The Berlin Wall, 25 Years Later

November 7th through the 9th, Berlin will celebrate the 25th anniversary of Mauerfall, or The Fall of the Wall. One of the events is an art installation called Lichtgrenze by artists Christopher and Marc Bauder, in which...

22 Halloween Decorations You Can Put Up And Leave Until Christmas

I'm one of those people who loves holiday decorations, but hates the process of putting them up only to take them down a few weeks later. That's why I love the fact that Christmas decorations are starting to sneak their...

Light Heart, Dark Humor: The Man Behind The Addams Family

Cartoonist Charles Addams was almost as bizarre as the characters he drew. His most famous creation, The Addams Family, has been reincarnated time and again during the past 70 years, coming back to life from the g...

The Stupidest Thing You Will See Today: $30,000.00 Headphones

I don't even know what to say about this other than the absolute truth. I was on YouTube trying to find a scary short film to share with you kids for Halloween.What I found was far scarier.[

Dark Hedgehog Vs. Super Fighter Showdown - One Big Battle

Dark Hedgehog Vs. Super Fighter Showdown by Marinasinger DesignsWhen virtual reality superstars collide in the arena the battle for animated supremacy is about to get mighty strange. Hedgehogs and saiyans may seem like...

The Shironeko Cats Celebrate Halloween

[] (YouTube link)The most chill cats in the world are all dressed up for Halloween! And as usual, it's a non-stop party atmosphere... if your idea of a party is a good nap. This video will have...


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