[http://youtu.be/3lyzU9Cz5q0] (YouTube link)The League of S.T.E.A.M. does Dia de los Muertos! The League of S.T.E.A.M. (previously) is a group of steampunk ghostbusters (“Serving all your supernatural elimination n...
[http://youtu.be/yBhR5ToR7a8]YouTube LinkEarlier this week I posted a video showing a New Jersey black bear on his best behavior. These two New Jersey black bears are in an all-out brawl...
In the canine quest to become the alpha dog only one will be able to sit on the Throne of Bones, and that ruler is destined to be Daenerys Targaryen, the mother of dragons. With her cute mug, flowing blonde hair and...
(Photo: question_ev3rything)Redditor question_ev3rything spotted this amazing tree root formation in Guangzhou, China. The persistent tree has pushed its away into the orderly, grid-lined human world.A v...