Shen’s Startup Ideas from Owl Turd are, in order, 1. useless, 2. dumb, and 3. incomprehensible. But hey, those qualities (or lack thereof) never stopped a startup from making a ton of money. What really makes the difference in whether a startup idea ever comes to fruition is how much venture capital you can raise. Then you need the appearance of heading for success for just a little while, and you’ll either be bought out by someone with more time and money than you or someone who wants to eliminate their competition. Of course, that part about the appearance of heading for success is the part where so many startups fail.
When Alex "started up" Neatorama in 2005, everyone and his brother were starting a blog -millions, in fact. To have just survived this long is downright amazing. Remind me someday to write a chronology.
Heck, yeah, look at us!