Old School vs. New School

So for a moment, let's say video games are real. Just pretend for a sec, dammit. What would happen if old school, pixel games somehow met up and clashed with the new school, realistic looking games? In my head, I imagine it would be an epic match up of mayhem, with pixels breaking off and polygonal blood splashing everywhere.

The reality is, the folks over at RocketJump put together this awesome video of what it would be like if different generations of games all met up at the same time in the real world. And while it may not be quite as violent as my vision, it is badass, and will get any gamers and video game fans drooling on themselves. Though it has been floating around the internet for a bit, safe to say some of you missed it, and that is just not okay. Pretty sure seeing Lara Croft climb into a Space Invaders ship and take off fulfilled some weird geek fantasy of mine I didn't even realize I had until I saw it happen. This might do the same for you.

(YouTube Link)

Or you can just marvel at how cool it is. 

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