Archive for October 24th, 2014

Fashion Styles for Ghosts

(Gemma Correll)Ugg boots may be popular among the living this time of year, but the typical ghost wouldn't be caught dead in them. Sure, you can just wear a sheet, but only if you're going with the relax...

Ten Misconceptions About Food

[]YouTube LinkAh, food. There aren't many things on which the people of the world agree, but our love of food is one of them. This Mental Floss video selects common bits of mis...

30 Funny Business Signs

(Photo: jessyfastfinger)(Photo: unknown)(Photo: unknown)Alex once told me to change the sign in front of the Neatorama factory. "What should I write?" "Anything is fine."It was the last time that Alex sent me out to chan...

Moms' Notes on Front Doors: Ring this Doorbell and Regret It

Image via: Beth AnneThis collection of notes posted on the front doors of exhausted women everywhere is full of sage reminders and cautionary tales. If you wake the child in the name of attempting to sell m...

World Record Skydive

[] (vimeo link)In 2012, Felix Baumgartner set a world record for skydiving from an altitude of 128,100 feet. We followed his quest to achieve it for years before it actually happened. in contra...

The Newest Meme: Adorable Bunnies as Phone Cases

10 days ago, Twitter user ryooneokrock1 sent out this image of his pet rabbit serving as a smartphone case. That triggered a wave of similar images across Japan and China. Brian Ashcraft of Kotaku has a roundup of some o...

The Top 100 Science Fiction-Themed Songs of All Time

[]YouTube LinkGeorge Dvorsky at i09 compiled a list of his suggestions for the top 100 songs having to do with science fiction. This comes after their prior li...

Cthulhu Ferrigno - Weird Tales Of Bodybuilding

Cthulhu Ferrigno by Lederman StudioWhen the Great Old One discovered he wouldn't be able to arise in his old body he looked for a suitable replacement on Earth. He discovered a mighty hulk of a man with an incredible ph...

That Time it Rained Flesh in Kentucky

In March of 1876 in Bath County, Kentucky, pieces of meat started falling from the sky. Not just a little bit, but enough to have all the neighbors gathering to figure out what happened. The meat was dropped over an area...

Sarcastic Moms Caption Ridiculous Stock Photos of Parenting

With a measure of alarm that I do not think was undue, I asked my wife, "Is there baby poop on my face?" At that time, there was not. But it would happen. As Bane said, "that comes later." And it did.Getting baby poop on...

Black Bear Knows When He's Not Wanted

[]YouTube LinkThis black bear was ambling up to the patio of a New Jersey homeowner who gave him a verbal warning to vacate the premises. Evidently, New Jersey bears are fluent...

50% Off Sale on Halloween Stuff over at the NeatoShop

Save up to 50% off regular price on select items in NeatoShop's Halloween Shop. Treat yourself to costumes, accessories, Halloween decorations, and more. Quantities are limited, so hurry! Check it out: Sa...

Dance Dance Revolution: 1812 Overture Edition

This game works a bit like Dance Dance Revolution or Guitar Hero, in that you have to play an instrument at the right time in the music in order to score. That said, the score is the least of your concerns because you ar...

What Kind of Latte Does John Q. Pumpkin Drink?

Aram J. French of Mandatory Roller Coaster (previously at Neatorama) may be on to something with his imaginings of what Mr. Pumpkin orders at the coffee shop. Let's hope the baristas are on the top of thei...

Priestly Dance Battle

[] (YouTube link)A group of seminarians are entertaining the crowd at a fundraiser at the Pontifical North American College in Rome. We have a musical number going when things go all Jimmy Cagn...

Classic Horror Works of H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe, Available For Free Online

The writings of H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe played a part in laying the groundwork for tales of modern horror. Stephen King called Lovecraft "the twentieth century's greatest practitioner of the classic horro...

The Tolkien Fan

Even if you couldn’t see their faces, it should be obvious which of these Tolkien fans is the older one. Sigh. This comic from CommitStrip is labeled “a true story.” Share this with som...

Freddy And Jason Get Murderous Makeovers In Lady Killers

Freddy and Jason went from two ordinary names to monikers synonymous with pure evil thanks to horror movies, but these average joes of the slasher world are in desperate need of a makeover.Freddy revamped his scare tacti...

Jimmy Kimmel Identifies Anonymous Hero

[] (YouTube link)Remember the stranger who ran into a burning house to save a man? He left the scene without talking to the media, and managed to lay low for a couple of days. But Jimmy Kimmel...

More Mesmerizing Glass Sculptures from Ben Young

In June, we showed you some of the amazing sculptures that Ben Young, an artist in New Zealand, makes by carefully cutting and layering sheets of glass. His medium is an especially effective way of conveying the texture...

Mystery Busters - A Shaggy Ghost Dog Story

Mystery Busters by Legendary PhoenixThey're the original mystery solving teens, who enjoy a good unmasking and are always stylin' when they're profilin', but what would those meddling kids do if they encountered an actu...

Celebrities And Their Historical Twins

It’s not uncommon for celebrities to become famous based largely on their looks, and even the best actors can have their careers boosted by the fact that they’re good looking.(Jennifer Lawrence and Zubaida Th...

Ebola (A “Lola” Parody)

[] (YouTube link)Ebola jokes can be tasteless or scary, and could cause offense among those who are truly frightened of the virus. But no one takes public health more seriously than ZDoggMD, th...

The Quotable Doctor Zoidberg

In the world of Futurama there is only one Decapodian doctor you should call when you need your limbs snipped off, or a tongue depressor shoved in your ear- Zoidberg.He’s the lonely lobster with the funny accent, a...

Disney Princesses Are My (Imperfect) Feminist Role Models

As I grew up in the 1970s, I recognized that the Disney princesses I’d enjoyed at the movies were not good role models for my own future daughters. But by the time I had daughters, there was a whole new generation...

Faces of Fright: Scary Halloween Makeup

  "Creepy Monster" | Image: The Painting LadyKiller makeup jobs like these can take an average costume to the next level. Bored Panda asked for creepy makeup user submissions; these are a few of the 117 submiss...

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Life in Paris

When Rosecrans Baldwin, the author of Paris, I Love You But You’re Bringing Me Down, took a copywriting job at a French advertising agency and relocated from Brooklyn to the 3rd arrondissement, he imagined a li...

366 Weird Movies You Need To See

            Image Credit: Audubon FilmsThe first weird film I ever remember seeing was Eraserhead when I was just a teenager, and man did it mess with my head.  ...

Endangered Species Postage Stamps for 2014 Released

U.S. stampsThe United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA) has released a set of 12 stamps illustrated with beautiful artwork of endangered species. For the last 21 years, the UNPA has issued this stamp series in order t...

Five Nights At Freddy's 2 Trailer Ups The Scares Considerably

[](YouTube Link)Last week, we posted a video of adults reacting to the video game, Five Nights at Freddy's. A PC game where you essentially play as a security guard working at a...


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