Charisma and sex appeal are universal. That fact explains a number of Hollywood casting situations. For instance, it's one way musicians, models and others with no prior acting experience are able to pull off and even stand out in some film roles. Universal appeal also has led to certain actors and actresses being able to secure major Hollywood roles at a time when they speak little or no English.
One such case is Antonio Banderas. Director Arne Glimcher cast Banderas in his 1992 film The Mambo Kings at a time when Banderas spoke no English. In fact, in order for Glimcher to clearly convey a request to Banderas that he learn English for the role, he had to use a translator to communicate with the actor. Banderas went on to do well in Kings, so well that his next role was in the Oscar winning Philadelphia with Tom Hanks. Mambo Kings director Glimcher said of Banderas,
"[Antonio] was very responsive, incredibly charming. I think he can seduce any woman, man, cat, dog or bird in the world.”
Read nine more cases of actors and actresses temporarily skating by on their screen presences here.
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