Musician Glen Campbell Writes (Final) Heartwrenching Song About Alzhemiers

This might just be the most difficult post I have ever written here. That may sound silly, but sadly, Alzheimer's has been in my life since I was just a child. To see someone you love forget themselves and forget everything around them, while slow degenerating, is a dark place I would not wish on anyone. In the same breath, we ALL need to talk about this condition more, and a song like this will incite the needed discussions.

(YouTube Link)

Famous 70s musician Glen Campbell was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 2011 and has been battling it relentlessly since. Seemed he had finally reached a point where those around and even he became aware that he could not record music anymore, as his Alzheimer's was getting worse and worse.

He decided to record one final song called "I'm Not Gonna Miss You" and it is about exactly what you think it's about. I will tell you right now, this is painful. A man aware he is slipping into oblivion and choosing to say goodbye one last time the only way he knows how. Please, share this and spread the word. The more aware we are of this condition, the more funding it gets, the less we have to worry that it will be like this forever.

Remember when Johnny Cash put out the Hurt video right before he passed away? Yes, this feels like that, but with an even deeper meaning. For those looking to learn more about the disease or find out ways they can help, check out the Alzheimer's foundation. 

Remycarreiro, I saw my dad get gobbled up by Alzheimer's. It is heartbreaking. Thanks for your courage in mentioning your experiences here. You're stimulating discussion and understanding. That always helps.
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My dad's going through this right now. My mother left him 3 years ago ("I'm not having fun anymore.") and moved to a different state so I am the only one who sees him. He doesn't know me but he recognizes me because I always bring him something sweet for him to eat. He tries so hard to speak but his words are lost or garbled. Sometimes he cries and I feel like I know why - he misses his wife. I hate this disease. I want my dad back.
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Rem, as someone who has been dealing with memory issues, but thankfully not this horrible disease, I have tears down my face. I know the feeling of losing part of myself, my most precious memories, its frustrating, its painful, it makes me feel less alive. When my family or friends and even my own children ask me.. 'remember when', I stare at them with a half smile and tell them to remind me. I hope they don't know I do not remember, but I know that they know because of the sadness that is in their eyes right before they tell the story. I feel like I am watching someone else's life but also know that somewhere, somehow this was my life too. I hope I never end up having Alzheimer's disease, but I also wish someone will fix my brain so I can live fully again, I am half of something else altogether.
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