House Cat Worth $140,000 in Real Estate Deal

The Perceval family of Glen Iris, Victoria, Australia, sold their home at auction for $2,060,000. But before the final paperwork was done, they got a better offer: real estate agent Glen Coutinho said the new offer asked for the inclusion of the Perceval’s cat Tiffany.

Mr Coutinho, of RT Edgar, said that a child of one of the bidders had fallen in love with Tiffany during the inspections of the home.

“Tiffany decided she would sit on the couch,” Fran Perceval told the Herald Sun.

“People would come through, and she’d observe them and be patted.

“She loved all the attention — she does look a bit ornamental,” she said.

Ms Perceval had even jokingly suggested to Mr Coutinho that Tiffany could be included in the sale, because after all “she believes the house is her property”.

But then the bidder offered to buy the home for $2.2 million — as long as Tiffany was included in the deal.

The Percevals did the math, and since the cat is worth an extra $140,000 to the buyer, Tiffany will stay in her home with the new owners. The cat actually belongs to the Perceval’s 19-year-old son Sam, who stands to get a cut of the profits. Would you give up your cat for that kind of cash? Keep in mind that the new owners would be devoted to her, and the cat gets the house, so to speak. It’s possible that the “cat clause” might be a way to get around the terms of the original auction, but I am not well-versed in Australian real estate laws. -via reddit

(Image credit: News Corp Australia)

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IF, and that's the whole bit of it, IF the cat wanted to stay then I would let it go to the new home owner. I like to think I'm a good pet owner and my pets would never want to leave me but... if the pet was so fickle that it would be happier with a new caretaker then... 'as you wish, kitty (or dog)'. Go and be happy. I shall miss you but I shall find another (dog or cat) to replace your absence.
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Yeah - cats live where they want. As long as the contract included a clause to that effect - that the cat could move out and follow us if it chose, then I'd drop any of them like hot bricks. They're nice - but they really are just cats.
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