I don't actually have teenage kids, but from what I recall about being one, they kind of suck. I don't mean to speak on behalf of all teenagers, but seriously, we kind of ALL sucked. Sometimes getting a teenager to do the simplest thing (like load a dishwasher) is like asking them to cure a disease or discover an unconventional liquid that could be used for fuel purposes.
In realizing his own teenage kids were lacking certain basic skills, Will Reid took to YouTube and started posting "how to" videos for teenage kids. It started as a joke with "how to replace an empty toilet paper tube" but the video caught on, and now it seems Will is back, this time to teach teenagers the fine art of loading a dishwasher.
Don't worry, Will. The joke is on all teens because we grow up and move out and don't even have a dish washer. Then we are punished by the cruel hand of hate to hand wash everything and reflect on the former suckiness of our ways.
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