Cat Does A Cute Thing

You know what you NEVER see on the internet? Videos and pics of cats doing cute things. I wish I could have written the preceding sentences in a sarcasm font, alas, I need to invent one. In all seriousness, cat videos and cat pics are the fodder that keeps the internet afloat on an otherwise directionless current. Everywhere you turn, no matter how far down the rabbit hole of the internet you go, there is a cat pic or video nearby to pull you from that and make you smile.

(YouTube Link)

The funny part is, you know that there are people out there just sitting and waiting for their cat to do something kooky or cute so they can catch it on film. This means they are sitting there with their camera and phones on the ready at all times. "Cat Does A Cute Thing" is a hilarious animation from YouTube User RageNineteen that shows us that exact scenario, and plays with the idea that the cat may very well be privy to it. It is a stylized animatiom that will muster a laugh from even the most stoic cat lover.

I will admit, the "dubstep" moment made me laugh out loud.

Love cute animals? View more at Lifestyles of the Cute and Cuddly blog

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